Pressure Switch Created by xxDeeJxx (changed Gamertag from DeeJ tH3 V1rus) Thanks for all of the positive feedback So the other day i set out to make something that would be the next commonplace in maps. this probably isnt it, but it is freakin cool anyways, so let me show you the pressure plate P.s. i dont know if anyone has ever made one of these. this is basically a blank map on foundry, that can be used as a template for maps. It has the infinite budget glitch activated , and in the middle there is a little island with the pressure plate on it. the pressure plate is a pallat, that is perfectly flush with the surrounding double box floor. the second somone steps on it, a gravlift, or whatever else you want will be blown up. this can be used for swithces, opening/closing doors, spawning vehicles, or other kinds of booby traps. in the map, there is simple dumpster- gun built to demonstrate the switch. thanks to Squiiddish for taking a look at it, and leaving cursed for taking a dumpster to the face in the name of pictures, because his motto is "if it dont kill me, it aint worth my time" _________________________________________________ Old Button New Button this is the switch it is flush with the floor around it this is leaving cursed getting ready to take it like a man this dumpster gun is just an example of what the switch can do- think dead end shotgun halway, and if you dont grab the shotty and get out fast enough, you are trapped for a certain amound of time, or star treck slide doors, activated when you stand in front of it. etc. as soon as you step on it, it activates RIP leaving cursed random pic of little island Infinite Money Glitch _________________________________________________ I've never seen a switch like this, but im sure there have been ohters like it before, so its original for me, not just a copy. AND mine is set up so you the consumer can build maps around it. I know this may seem a little gimmicky, but i worked hard on it, and tested it plenty it works. the pallet is on instant respawn, and you cant get down bellow it. if you need to put something else to blow up for the switch, set the wall at the end of the island to not appear at the beggining, and place whatever needs blowing up inside the single open box, surrounded by fusion coils. when you touch it, it makes a fusion coil fall into man cannons, etc. it blow stuff up to activate switches the gravlifts spawn at the beggining. yeah, its a touch switch. pressure sensitive. and its not built the way you said it. Thank you D.J. [] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File DetailsDownload Pressure Switch[/url]
How exaclty does it work? and the only problem with your post is theres extra image codes next to your pictures. Otherwise really cool switch
This is pretty sick. I like it, its a good idea. Ill download, take a look at it and see if i cant put it in a future map.
this is a pretty commonplace switch, but good job anyways! you put it together really well so that people can build maps around it, thats always a plus.
It's most likely a touch switch. Vibrations go through the pallets (or any other movable object) and make the last object in line vibrate, and become noticable to the man cannon that doesn't spawn at start (usually 10 seconds in). Basically, a touch switch lol. You can get the full explanation at though
YEEEAAAAH the dumpster of death! Lol I gave it a good effort to take one for the team but I couldn't catch the stupid dumpster XD DeeJ this is a really nice switch. I've seen a couple things kinda like this before, but never a pressure plate that worked this efficiently and with nearly 100% functioning rate. I've only seen it not work like... once. And I've seen it work a ton of times. Um... if you didn't delete it, I was kinda messing around building some crap in the corner. I don't know if you saved the map that game or not XD So if anyone finds a random double wall and dumpster off to the side, those would be mine lol Anyway, this switch is pretty cool. The possibilities are basically endless with what you can do with this. I think the whole "trap room" idea is freaking sweet though. Teach those shotgun whores a lesson! Anyway, nice job DeeJ. I'm lookin forward to more switches and maps from you.
i would have to say thats a very nice switch, great base idea with the whole stock map thing where u give us the option to build around it, in my opinion.....pure genious 5/5
Cool switch I wonder how it works o.0......Anyways can u still build a map around the switch or is it just for show?
Nice job with the wire switch. It's pretty hard to put one in the floor with boxes like you did. Kind ofa useless purpose though, with the dumster. Oh, and to answer ivy snake's comment. For show, or atleast not for maps mean't for competitve uses. Wires can only be used once per round and it is very hard to make a competitve map while hosting a wire. They also take alot of space and parts to use.
i dont know what kind of wire you are talking about, the button can be used multiple times in one match, the dumpster thing was just an example, and this map was designed so that people could DL and build their own maps around it, purposing the button for whatever they could dream up. this is a map template.
just wondering, do i have permission to use this in a map? (i don't know if it is needed for aesthetic maps)
Okay, I get that the pallet causes a fusion coil to fall and explode, but how? Is the fusion coil interlocked with the pallet? Or what? Nice job though. I've been looking for a pressure plate switch but the only ones I could find use custom powerups or elaborate vibration switches.
Nice switch idea, but one thing. Use a canvas that DOESN'T have all the objects inside. Here's one with all the objects OUTSIDE the map.