Enclosed v4 Created by Aitius Quotes (Compiled from all versions) Hello everyone, I'm back and releasing the fourth version of my long running map, Enclosed. Supported Gametypes: KOTH Slayer Team Slayer Oddball The map itself is based on Last Resort, and takes place exclusively in the main base. I have worked non-stop to make this map both aesthetically pleasing and also in-escapable. For version 5, I will most likely redo the inside, but that is for another time. Anyway, here are the changes made from the previous versions. V1- A very crappy map. Very easily escaped, and completely bare on the inside. V2- Had some big changes, such as scenery on the inside, but still escapable. V3- Better use of immovable objects made it incredibly hard to escape. V4- A complete tear down! Everything rebuilt, with absolutely NO teleporters used to block off areas! Also, the power-ups were used this time around to help make it completely in-escapable. Teleporters were taken out due to some glitches involving blocking the reciever node. In reality, this is v7 of the map, but on FH, it is the fourth version that I am releasing, so don't get confused by the file name. Extensive playtesting went into this map, both for cracks in the map and for overall playability. Although it is set up for team games, FFA is where this map shines. It is also great for KOTH and Oddball. Also, many people complained about the teleporters that were being used outside of the map, and how they were active. Now, only two are active, while the rest are barely noticeable. Weapon List x5 BR's x2 SMG's x1 Sniper Rifle-180 sec. x1 Shotgun-180 sec. x1 Magnum x1 Spiker x1 Plasma Pistol x1 Plasma Rifle Equipment x1 Regen (Bubble shield replaced) x1 Radar Jammer Important Facts! -THIS MAP HAS GRENADES!!! There are a total of eight grenades placed on the map, and that is more than enough. Many maps like this take away grenades because they can allow you to escape. My map, however, allows you to use grenades freely. You're welcome, MLG fans. -From numerous, numerous games both in forge with unlimited grenades and custom games with unlimited ammo, I have determined that the only way to escape is either in forge or using very heavy weapons such as the rocket launcher. I have actually played a game of Team Rockets on this map, and it was still very, very hard to escape. You have my word. -There is absolutely no way to get the power-ups used as immovable objects without cheating and going outside the map (see above note). -I did not use techniques such as interlocking (which is possible on old maps) because I found that I could block the map off easily and still have enough equipment to create a playable inside. Ok, here are the pictures. There aren't many of the inside, because there isn't much to show. However, there are some exclusive behind the scenes pictures that show you how much time and effort went into making this map. The Sniper Spawn Shotgun Tunnel (The position of the forklifts have been adjusted since this was taken) The NEW Windows (No more teleporters!) The Pallet Bride (This is an old picture, but the pallet bridge is the same) ***Behind the Scenes Pictures!*** ***Finally, action shots!*** Suprise! Sweet quickscope by me Yours truly, Aitius Here is the link. Remember, this is actually v7, but it is the fourth version that I have released on FH Halo 3 File Details Please comment, I want to make this map even better!
I remember playing the an earlier version of this map. It wasn't bad at the time. I hope the new improvements ensure game play is better.
I saw the first version post and I kind of skimmed over it and it didn't really catch my eye, but now I look at it and it looks 100% better, you removed the ugly teleporter blocking off and used objects which defiantly add to the aesthetics. If you think about it this idea is so simple but it would be so fun to make...I only wish I thought of it first =P. Anyways Looks great for a Non-DLC map keep it up.
I'm glad this is a non dlc map, these are rare jewels in FH, The only problem is the spawning, i seemed to get spawn killed quite often. But that could also be due to the size of the map and number of players. 4/5
Wow, that's a lot of versions. I'm glad to see that you took off those annoying teleporters and found another way to block off people. I have played v3, and I must say, this is quite fun for games like FFA and Fiesta Slayer, maybe even 2v2 games. It's very fast-paced and, in my opinion, is the best map on Last Resort! Very creative idea, I hope you come up with more.
Thanks so much for that comment. I have had tons of non-dlc idea, but I don't know which ones would get a big response. I am currently working on a tremors and mouse gametype on isolation, but I don't know if it will work well or not