I was messing around, and then i saw ghost golf, I downloaded it. It was fun, but there was something missing, so i started from scratch on a pre glitched map, and made my own. This is my second version, I fixed all the bugs, and made it more of an experience to remember! For those of you who don't know, the game works like this: the uninfected have 45 sec to score, then once the ball has gone down in the hole, drop into the hole, hit the ball, and go into the teleporter to your right then you can kill the zombie to start a new round. If you just go in without the ball being scored, the man cannon flings you into a teleporter, that brings you into the lake. Now if you don't kill the zombie within 45 sec. he will get a custom power up and he will kill YOU. ok here da pics you waiting for you start, and grab a hammer IMG]http://i524.photobucket.com/albums/cc321/Paperclipman5/48535369-Medium.jpg[/IMG] either hit the ball of the tee, or push it into the man cannon to the right of the tee, you have two mongooses (or is it mongeese) and a warthog. and to the right of those there are man cannons in case the ball gets stuck in there. another view of the vehicles, in the bottom right corner, is the corner of the tee and of course, what would a golf course be without a lake... matter in fact, its a trashed up lake now to the right of the lake is a nice little sandpit area. if you hit it just right, it will go into the hole now its time to explain the mechanism with pics and words ok, when you fall into the hole normal, you go into a man cannon, then into a teleporter, that puts you in the lake now if the ball goes in first, you bounce of the ball, and go the the right, where that teleporter will take you to kill the zombie. Remember, when you fall in, dont jump i have the lastest game type, GOLF CLUB version 2.0, remember folks its a 2 person game, so have fun! Bungie.net : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing this is the gametype http://www.bungie.net/forums/posts.aspx?h3fileid=48534914 this is the map
It looks a little sloppy in some places, but its a cool idea. Only problem is the ball jumps off the lake, and how would you keep score?
the ball is supposed to jump off the lake, and go somewhere els in the course, you keep score by a one point round, this is like a twisted version of golf
ha this is a pretty cool map. i remember a golf hole getting featured. it was fun, but i couldnt doit, even though i play golf in real life =/ unique idea. good job
well each rounds are 3:00 minutes and the zombie gets to go kill them within 45 sec, if he doesnt get killed.
This looks like a fun Mini Game. It could be played a lot without getting boring. I will download and try. 4/5.