Hey I am The Creator of the New group called the Hidden Ninjas...Our group's strategy is to figure out Hiding Spots in all the TS and doubles maps and use them to win Games in Matchmaking. When in Matchmaking our teams strategy is to get ahead of the other team in kills and then get in our hiding spot and then laugh at the other team while they run around helplessly trying to find us. Our group will be made up of about 5 players who work together to find unknown spots. If you think your good enough for the group and already know of many spots and are also a LEGIT player fill out the application below... Group Link: The Hidden Ninjas
GT icedemon3 TS rank: 42 TD rank: 38 k/d 1.44 wpn mst usd snpr/br i hav a hiding spot on every map, some r not known about.
I am not sure if I want to join this...yet. But I will post my info and get back to you. Gt: Ix Cr0ok3d xI TS Rank: 48 TD Rank: 50 Highest Skill: 50 K/D Ratio: 1.71 or something, 2.01 unranked Weapon you use most: Sniper/BR
omg i love hiding and once i learn to slide jump and do all thoses super jumps things u will never find me Gt: OneNOnly282tioTD Rank: 30 TS Skill:1 TD Skill:30 Highest Skill: 30 K/D Ratio: 1.02 Weapon you use most: BR/Shotty the reason my K/D ratio is so low is because I got grounded and i came back and i lost alot. but im better now and i havent played team slay since my old account all ive been playing is TD.
GamerTag: MealonX TS Rank: 37 Team Doubles Rank:32 Highest Skill: 37 K/D Ratio: 1.03 Weapon you use most: Assault, BR or Sniper
GamerTag: Rejecting You TS Rank: 42 Team Doubles Rank:35 Highest Skill: 42 K/D Ratio: 2.10 Weapon you use most: Battle Rifle. I'm pretty good at the No-Scope-Beat-Down combination with the Sniper Rifle, but only after I'm warmed up a bit. I know a few hiding spots around Guardian and Narrows I use to win and get cheap advantages over the other team.