Half-Cab V2 I will soon be releasing the version two of my mini-game Half-Cab. Half-Cab V2 addresses many of the complaints and criticisms from the original, the most major complaint being that the snipers don't have a very good view from their base and usually have to crouch in order to see all of the VIP team. The other suggestions being that there should be equipment for the VIP team to use (There are now bubble shields for the VIP to pick up to aid in his recovery) and that there should be more cover for the VIP team (I will probably geomerge a couple double boxes to give them a little more cover). Sniper BaseV1: The problem is that the snipers don't have a very good view of the map and usually have to crouch. V2: It is better gameplay-wise, but ascetically, it looks much worse than the original base. This is the new V2 base, that, without impeding the snipers' views, looks cool, as it appears to be hanging from an extension of Avalanche itself. ___________________ This is an overview of Avalanche with the placement of the bubble shields. Tell me which one you think is better and if you have any other suggestions to make the V2 better, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Go with the second part, with the floating box. However, add on some aesthetic features to it so that it looks cool.
I have been doing just that and I came up with having the box appear to be hanging from an armature of the large structure. I will post a screenshot of it as soon as I finish.
Very nice, I like it. Maybe interlock some power ups or some mancannons into it just to make it looks cooler.
Yes, man cannons would be cool. Thanks for suggesting them. I hadn't thought of it. Does anybody have any other suggestions for cover placement or anything else?
I like the idea of having the sniper base look like part of the map itself, you should try to use the yellow glowing walls to make the ramp in the very back interlock with the map geometry.
The ramp in the back is interlocked, just no very much. I will probably interlock another ramp there to make it seamless.