Bullet Run

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Yo Mommas Foot, Dec 30, 2008.


Is the starting point original ?

Poll closed Jan 2, 2009.
  1. Definetly

  2. Yes

  3. Maybe

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  4. No

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  1. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    By: Yo Mommas Foot


    Starting Point - With Grav lifts to give light.
    Sloping Decline to Rats Nest Floor
    U-Turn With Sharp Decline To Rat's Nest Floor
    Shield Door Tumbler To Rat's Nest Floor
    First Shield Door Bounce Turn
    Shield Door Accelerator
    Shield Door Accelerator Doing It's Work !
    Third Turn With Man Cannon Boost
    Final Turn Before Finish !
    Finish Line
    Sharp Turn After Finish, With Teleporter Arrow (May Be Difficult to Accomplish )
    Overview Of Start, And Finish


    Okay so basicly this map is a small race map around Rat's Nest, but what makes this unique is that it starts up in the sky, on top of the control room or whatver you call it you start off on top of that then make your way down a smooth bank hill with a sudden sharp turn into a steep rampage of speed and then another sharp turn into a shield door tumbler were you are free falling about 20ft then you somehow land it and drive your way onto the first shield door turn which saves you from a humiliating crash into the side wall. but then you are forced to drive down a straightaway which saves you yet again with a shield door turn but then you run into the Accelerator which makes you fly way over the track and land simultaneusly onto it again. but then you are saved for the third time with a shield door turn and boosted by some Man Cannons shooting your way into the fourth turn with shield doors to save you from a humiliating wreck and then you are at the finish line with decorations on all sides........................................... so this is the end right ?
    WRONG there is still more before you restart your lap. after you cross the finish line you are boosted by man cannons into a sharp turn (This turn is a bit tricky for some people and you may crash into the Shield Door Tumbler but don't worry you will get the hang of it --- before you race somebody head on try a few practice laps) Which is then comforted by a shield door so you don't fly off the edge.

  2. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    Awesome man, you did a racetrack on Rat's Nest, and it looks great too! I really love how you make use of the already track-like layout of the original Rat's Nest and use that to your advantage. Nice how you used the Crow's Nest box thing at the top for the starting, and managed to make long turns as well as a double wide. The use of shield doors to spice up the original track is also very smart and innovative. I will DL now and update.

    Edit: I just played it and man it is awesome! The lights at the beginning really work, and I realized again once playing it how hard-pressed you are for objects on Rat's Nest. This map is really one of those that make you tumble around a lot, and it is really fun to go through the shield door accelerator, in fact I did a few laps just for that. The only complaint I have is that there isn't a way to get back up once you finish (the top was my favorite part :()but other than that its an awesome map overall. There are a few hard parts but I found it mostly easy. Also there don't seem to be enough spawn points, I just started it up again and spawned on the other side of the map. Man the ending is so fun! I always seem to hit the door backwards and end up facing the right way, if you made it so its like that, then thats awesome! I would also recommend turning the shield door that save you from falling off the edge in the end sideways, because then you could eliminate the use of the crate and it would be much smoother, but it's just my opinion. Plus you could delete the extra shield door beside the large one on the last turn ( I never use it ) and put it on the wirespool barrier near the mancannon boost, I always end up hitting it for some reason, unless I go straight through the middle or to the left.
  3. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    Dude, its epic. the start is sooo creative and gnarly. Definite download from me. love the accelerator and fun ideas. bunch of fun. 5/5
  4. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    That's Wierd ???? Okay i will try to fix that but the start is supposed to be up in the sky and i know IT SUCKS that you can't get back up there i know im sorry....
  5. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    hey looks like a great map! i just wanted to say that maybe your spawns didn't work because they could've been jammed together a little too close together cuz that happened (atleast i assume that) on one of my racing maps i was making on rats nest. i knew i had the starting points set right for the teams and all, i tweaked it only to have a what i call "map-default starting point" on the map, meaning that you spawned somewhere there wasn't even a spawn point. so, yeah i think that's the case. idk if you'll have room, but the easiest way to solve the problem is if you float all your spawn points, atleast for my map it was. (didn't float all of them, just the ones that didn't work.) :D hope that helps! this may be the greatest racing map on rats nest i've seen, just wanted you to know!
  6. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    Dude my god.... thank you !! I was getting really annoyed trying to edit it and it just wouldn't work but now i know that i can do that
    (p.s thanks for the help)
  7. pjboyforgestyle

    pjboyforgestyle Ancient
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    is this your first thread race track ? Because this is awsome.
  8. Yo Mommas Foot

    Yo Mommas Foot Ancient
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    No i have done one in the past but it wasn't as good if you want to see it go to my sig click " Devil's Mouth "
  9. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    Hey very original map you created there. I like how its not on Foundry but still looks great on rats nest.

    Nice job the interlocking is really great, also i think you did a really good job on the thread and the banner looks appealing lol
  10. Grandmas House

    Grandmas House Ancient
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    Im really liking those bridge bridges lol.

    In addition, I can also see actual racing coming from the map. It's not a map where all you do is follow the path to the finish. By the looks of it, you can actually move around people and make some moves. Especially around all the turns. The only problem besides the elevation issue is all the shield doors. Like someone said above, I can see a lot of bouncing around and tumbling from those. But overall, this is a really good track.

    BTW I don't have my box right now (See below) so I cannot DL right now.
  11. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    I think i have ever seen a racetrack on Rats Nest. It even looks nice too. Im gona have to download it and try it out.
  12. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    holy crap....your kidding right?

    anyway downloaded and played this race track is epic win 2nd best on rats nest just behind straight at. the slope at the start is superb interlocking is perfect the whole map is great

  13. bobsagetismyhro

    bobsagetismyhro Ancient
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    one of the funniest race maps ever, its so much fun and its on rats nest, Not a lot of bumps also, great map, 5/5

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