Well, i have taken several pictures of recon for you to see, i will only show 4 unless any of you want to see more, these 4 are my best i think, anyway here they are: Epic recon: Pink recon: Red recon: (i dont know why it is bigger) Two brothers: So there are the 4 pictures, please vote in the poll, thanks Any comments are welcome, good or bad
Cool recon pics. Do you actually have recon, then? And how did you get the flaming recon pic? Do you know a Bungie Employee?
nope, i havent got recon, and i dont know a bungie employee, i wish i did though I got the pictures from past experiences and other peoples videos If you want to see more then go on to my Bungie.net service record then click on recent screenshots and my screenshot gallery, i have alot of pictures of recon and bungie employees
in the third picture it looks like hes just shooting a laser.... and the two brothers picture, i know that its a lucky picture if you dont have recon, but if you can recreate it, id definetly add that pic fray effect in the backround of the brothers shot..... but thats just me... oh ok, sorry i didnt see your last post, but itd still say get an effect for the two brothers shot else its really plain...
Wow nice pics! Ive been playing halo 3 since the day it came out, and i STILL havent seen an employee or someone with recon !!! 5/5!
.. there not really epic.. but there ok.. the bungie employee was a lucky site it seems almost set up
Yeah I still don't get what people find so fascinating about Recon it is just another armor permutation for your guy in Halo. I have played with people who have Recon and know people with it. So yeah nothing special with any of these pictures.
He probably just downloads the videos from the Bungie employees games and takes pictures using those. They released videos from humpdays although they don't anymore.
You stole them from other people? That doesn't sound exactly right. Anyway the first one is the only one that looks cool. Nice effect on it anyway.
...Yeah, It would have been so much cooler if you had taken the pictures. But you should get a picture of someone assasinating a guy with recon. Those rock!
I wouldn't say these are epic, because if any other helmet was used, say Mark VI, you wouldn't say the pics are epic, right?