Monthly Template Contest! So, the map makers came and gave it their all as they all fought hard to complete a map based off of a map that was already started. One month ago a thread was posted with a map where anyone could download it and participate in the contest. The goal was to build a map off of what had already be made. If this is your first time learning about the contest, it opens each month and you can hop in anytime. This one has come to a close and now its time for you guys to decide witch map is the best. Voting You are only allowed to cast ONE vote, and you CAN'T vote for your own map. Don't try to create proxy accounts to give your self votes, you will be infraction with a 3 point infraction, and its not worth it to win a contest. Keep in mind that you should play the map before you vote on it, giving all maps a fair chance. I'm not saying play all of them, maybe pick a top 3 and then play each and vote accordingly. The voting will only be on for one week so get in there while you can! How To Vote A vote should be summited as the following; Map Voted For: Reason: Testing?: If your vote dose not look like that it will not count, doing this makes it a lot easier for me to tally the votes. Map Directory
Fuerte - Stealth Supported Gametypes: CTF Team Slayer # Of players: 10-12 Description: Fuerte means strong in spanish. So this map is focused on strength. Fuerte is an assymetrical map. The different lines of sight make game play amazing. As well as some pretty good aesthetics and some really good geomerging. One Flag CTF has got to be the best gametype for this map. the attacker and defender bases are set up perfectly for this map. Pics: Attackers spawn Attackers spawn Defenders spawn Rocket hill and br walkway Fence platform Action shot download link. : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details Edit: Youtube video
Stratus - AmercanPsycho Stratus is an asymmetrical map that features many excellent interlocks and merges. The two power weapons are the gravity hammer from the template, and a sniper rifle in the back hallway room. I have spent so much time on this map and started from day one, taking the extra time and care to geomerge every object that can be. That means no loose grenades slipping under the boxes. I spent countless hours on single geomerges such as the two in the attackers base that are angled and stacked on each other. Enjoy the map! Gametypes supported by Stratus: Team Slayer, Multi flag CTF, One flag CTF, Team KOtH Defender's base, sniper rifle spawn location: Attackers base, hammer spawn location, and angled merge that was mentioned in the description: Center piece, center hill spawn: Side outlet, ghost spawn: Download
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: The gameplay is great, amazing layout, simply great design. I enjoyed playtesting this map much after the problem was fixed. Testing: Much <3 you all
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: Good merging. Unique structures, like the centerpiece and the curved wall thing. Testing: no
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: For its amazing gameplay, awsome athestics, and overall great map layout. Testing?: yes (I would like to comment) at first I thought that it would be stratus without a fight from the pics, then I downloaded them both and it came down to a tough choice on which I was going to vote for from the gamplay. I would like to congratulate you both, Your maps were both amazing.
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: the structures, awsome, gameplay awsome, great spawns 2. Testing?: yes twice
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: great gameplay, no lack of cover, nice aesthetics Testing: 3 games or so
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: Well the aesthetics were well done and the map kept a simple feel and great gameplay. The only flaw was the spawns were a bit overpowering and spawn owning was to easy, the nade blokr was outta place and the sniper side had to big of an advantage... Testing?: Yes... it was fun cept Monster raped us and their side was over powered
Map Voted For: Fuerte Reason: Great aesthetics. The interlocking and geo-merging are very good and unique. The gameplay is very fun and has a nice flow. This map is great. Testing?: Yes
LMFAO 2 maps?! Map voted for: Stratus Reason: Merging and aesthetics are superior to the other. The middle U-bend is nice. Testing: No
Map Voted For: Fuerte Reason: Because Stealth voted for me. I didn't get much testing in, but supposedly the gameplay was good. Testing?: One game of 1v1.
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: Unique structures Testing?: No. It's sad that only 2 maps were submitted.
Map Voted For: Stratus Reason: the uniquesness and great flow Testing?: yes i think this contest should be on the front page everytime theres a new one. it needs more publicity.