Pre-DLC maps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by extreme 96, Dec 29, 2008.

  1. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    lately alot of people have been making Pre-DLC maps. im not sure why but what do you think about forged maps on Pre-DLC maps. do you think they're funner, do you think they are dumb, etc. just give your opinion.

    i personally never really download the Pre-DLC forged maps. i wont flame some body for making one but i just think you cant really change the map much because theres not enough items on the map. its like the gameplay will be the same.

    What do you think?
  2. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    actually atlest have of them are good. But yeah, some suk, no offense. lol. Like tremers, cats and mice ect. other than those, not the best.

    I ment tremers and c n m were good ones srry.
  3. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    I've been one of the main people I guess. Three separate games, five maps, three gametypes. They take a hell lot more creativity than most Foundry maps, and if there is anything Forgehub lacks lately, it's creativity.
    Untrue. Cat n' Mouse for example is an entirely different game. My game, Frontlines, is about as far away from conventional slayer as they come. If you can come up with a unique idea based on using each map's individual properties, they can be great.
  4. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Really? Cat n' Mouse and Tremors "suk". Then if they suck so much, why are they the most popular Non-DLC games out there?

    Now, Non-DLC maps are difficult to forge and require a lot of creativity. Foundry is used because it is a blank factory that you can completely design by yourself. Non-DLC maps however, require more creativity in the way that you have to design a map off of what's already there. I guess it is all personal opinion, but both DLC and Non-DLC maps are worth the download.
  5. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    He was stating those as the good examples. You are correct, both can be exceptional, but the same old competitive arena on Foundry can get repetitive. Pre DLC maps - NOT just weapon set swaps, entire new concepts - can be revolutionary, in the case of maps like Cat n' Mouse, Tremors, and maybe one day, mine.
  6. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Its not the fact that they're pre-DLC, its whats on them. Rather then judging a map by its original form you should judge it of how the user transformed it into a new map. Theres no limit on how someone can change a persons view-point on a DLC map, or a pre-DLC map. Its all about what the user did to create a sense of feeling thats not known to the directed map.

    Before the DLC, the maps were great but they were the only ones we had. Just remember Hobo Heights, and Vertigo. But now we don't use them anymore due to the new objects, and new technniques. But I suppose thats natural progression, and shouldn't be faulted on the maps. Though progression still doesn't mean people won't come back to their old loves. We're actually going through it right now. People have ventured on to original maps to try to disembark their love for DLC maps. Now whether its because they felt bored, or repetitive I see it as a good thing.

    Seeing theres not a diverse item selection people have to be more creative. And no forging techniques even expands that threshold. Take Lightsout new map Insulation. Now with a few minor changes, and new additions, he totally changed Boundless (Snowbound). Gameplay is quite the change from its predesscor Snowbound. Thats one of the things I love about the old maps, is that it doesn't take much to alter the map. It may take a few crates, and grav lifts, and wah-lah you have officially altered gameplay/flow/movement/etc.

    Now I see that as a downside in the new maps. With various objects, and techniques not many people can actually alter the maps playing standards. To much of the object placement is blindy put, and with no care on how it will affect the map.
  7. zConviction

    zConviction Ancient
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    Read it again, i ment they were some creative or good ones sryy.
  8. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    A big part of Pre DLC maps is the planning that takes place before it. A simple weapon set change won't do anything without properly thinking through the risk/reward of each weapon, balancing and canceling out of each weapon, and placement based on closeness per team. When you have a "new concept" map and game then you need to plan it even more.
  9. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    i cant think of anything else to add to that
  10. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    im not saying all non DLC maps arent good. cat & mouse is a really good one. but i think most play the same as the regular map.

    now wouldn't it take more creativity to create an entire map in foundry. but i do think that maybe pre DLC could be quite hard because it isnt easy to make things better and theres not much to work with so changing the gameplay would be hard. other DLC maps other than foundry are also good because they have nice and big items to work with.

    yup ^ =]
  11. H3C x Nevz

    H3C x Nevz Ancient
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    Exactly - the fact that you have less items and less space to work with makes it even more difficult. Creativity is required. Most simple weapon changes don't succeed frankly. However, if you can put together a never-done-before idea on a Pre-DLC map like Cat n' Mouse, it will be remembered. Maps each have individual qualities and unique functions that can make for some really cool maps if you have the creativity.
  12. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Well I'm not saying it doesn't take creativity to build a complete map on Foundry, I'm saying that it takes a lot of creativity to build a good map on Epitaph or The Pit for example.
    Take LIGHTSOUT's new Snowbound map Insulation for an example. Everyone was saying that he didn't do much to the map and it was a bad map, but if you look at the new cover and objects placed around the map, gameplay was changed dramatically.
  13. Nick Novikov

    Nick Novikov Ancient
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    its becouse the haters were judging by the pics (which are not bad) and didnt even give it a chance. it only has like 12 downloads so far
  14. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Yeah, but still, it's not the easiest thing in the world to do.
  15. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    Thats exactly what I said in my last post. And even Amnesty by TSB did the same thing.
  16. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    Most of the Pre-DLC maps are okay. They aren't great because you can't really change the geometry that much. Unless it is a mini-game or fixing weapon/player spawns, Pre-DLC maps aren't really efficient material.
  17. LIGHTSOUT225

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    change the geometry? No.
    change the map's flow, balance, and sight lines? Absolutely.

    It may not be as completely creative as building a map from the ground up in Foundry, but its definitely no piece of cake to successfully change a pre-existing map into something that offers a completely new epxperience and completely new gameplay. I'll quote Predicide:

    People are greatly underestimating the power of using the forge as it was originally intended, an object/item editor rather than a full-blown map editor (which it is not). All forging on Foundry now is fighting the system and basically breaking forge in order to get what you want. I very time-consuming and painstaking process. I'm not knocking it, though.. yall have seen my maps, I can forge... Just sayin it a lot of skill to work with what's there and improve it than it does to discard it and start over.
  18. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    ^^Exactly. There is a reason why there are so many bad maps that are on Foundry; the creators have no real understanding of creating proper gameplay. What forging the pre-DLC maps force you to do is restructure gameplay, allowing you to learn how to make an exciting, fair game. I'd say that most of the people here who think they're bad-ass forgers couldn't make a good, fresh take of CTF on Snowbound or Assault on Last Resort if their lives depended on it.
  19. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    i think this community is jaded. before foundry, we all loved these pre-dlc maps. even just changing the weapons on a map can alter it significantly. im not gonna tell everyone they have to give them a chance, but i reserve the right to call anyone who blasts a map saying it "took 5 minutes and is uncreative" an ignorant retard.
  20. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    The last 3 posts should be quoted for truth.

    Just have a look at comments/reviews on some of the recent pre-DLC posted maps. In my opinion, the quality of them are terrible. A whole lot of members do not take into account:

    • Actual Gameplay
    • What weapon sets can to to gameplay
    • Forging skill, not mindless interlocks and geo-merges
    Take a handful of posts on LIGHTSOUTS225's map, Insulation for instance.

    What we need at the moment is a pre-DLC map (not Cat n' Mouse, Tremors etc...) with great competitive play to be featured. Only then will this problem be extinguished and bang what real forge skill is into a lot of members heads.

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