Hey guys I'm looking for something to hold all my xbox crap. I got a bunch of extra wires, a controller, and a mic that i don't regularly use that are just kinda crammed on my shelf. Do any of you know of something I could use to store this stuff in? If it also stores games that would be sweet as well.
A cardboard box does all those things, and more. Actually, I got this Ikea shelf thingy that I put my 360 in.
A box... But actuallyi just put them behind my 360, or under the bed, so idk. But, yeah a cardbored box.
there is an xbox 360 official bag you can get, it is quite useful if you want to carry it around, but for storage get a cheap plastic storage box and put it in there.
I have a fan for it. And I cut out some ventilation holes in the box. Makes it look as fugly as hell, but it works, right?
My brother had a case that was built for the 360...and it honestly wasn't that great. It held the system, the cables, and it had room for a controller and maybe one or two game cases. It was huge and a pain in the ass to carry around. The system is too large for any convenient case, and they can run expensive as well. This one is probably your best bet, it looks pretty strong and roomy.