Tunnel Flag V2 My Original Map Tunnel flag was a tactical CTF map but seeing as i Rushed it It looked pretty bad so not many people downloaded it, Lots of people said they would like to see a V2 so i thought i would, xArkAng3lx Helped me with V2, he Made The core of the of the map using the idea from from my original then i helped him with the final pieces to create this map Tunnel Flag V2 Over View BTW the middle section now has two entrances Summary The aim of the game is to advance to the other end of the map and steal the enemy's Flag Similar to any CTF Game Right?,Wrong! if you run straight ahead thinking its Grifball you will fail and die. The trick is to weave between the tunnels Launching an unexpected attack fom behind. You have Sword and Hammer Similar To Griffball but there is one major differance between this and grifball, This is Highly Tactical. There is a roof so you cannot Escape OverView 2 here are some action shots This game is best played with More than 5 people on each team The Two Creators Fighting! Linkies! This is the Game http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=46142583 http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=55417547 This Is The Map
It looks fun but small but pics aren't everything ill dl and test.oh and couldn't someone just respone kill?
Looks fun as a casual game. The only problem I see is the middle wall where there is only one entrance. Im not sure if you wanted it to be that way but I would make a 2nd entrance in that wall.
He is right about the making a second entrance somebody could just camp there the whole game. Like the whole tactical feeling of the game though.
Oops sorry i forgot to update the pic A second wall has been added also when you spawn you have invincibility for 2 seconds
Yeah, I agree with the people up there. Add another entrance to the middle walls, and it should be good.
dude nice idea! and definitely i agree this would be highly tactical... you could either use hammer and try to hit people through the wall and possibly miss and get sworded by some guy or you bust out your sword and start using that melea attack on ppl lol. either way if you're good you could probably beat people in little duels. this is pretty cool dude, nice job! edit: maybe if you really wanted to expand the map, i think it might be cool if you add 2-way nodes in between a couple of merged boxes in the middle of the ends of the mazes where they lead to 2 different, similiar bases. like they could be by the back hallway, except on the stairs and stuff and if u can you could block off the hallway and make it like a base room with platforms and maybe a turret (well if you want to use weapons on it besides melea ones). well if you have enough money/materials and if you like the idea, well i think it'd be pretty cool for a v3 of it. i think it'd be cool cuz you'd still have the maze as the primary transportaton route of the map and it'd be centered around the maze, except you have 2 bases centered around the objectives. eh well i think it'd be cool, hook me up on live or msg me or something if u like the idea and want me to help. xD eh but it's not like you need to add anything, it's great!
That looks like a very good well built original level, i like it a lot! Now if you could make it two stories, and the flags be on level 1, and level 2 in opposite corners....
the only problem is, how do you make "stairs" that go from one level to the other (or teleporters) that are uncampable.
Looks like an interesting concept but also like it would be very very difficult to win and a little cliched.
I have played it and it is quite hard to win but very possible and it doesent take that long And how do you think it is cliche'd?