VENDER 3000 By Lanky Frank And Seaboro Kibbles Have you ever had a craving for a good ol' spartan brain? But never know where to get one!? Well with the Spartan Vender 3000 you need look no further! With a simple push of a button a spartan will fall to your feet ready to eat! LOOK AT THIS FABULOUS PRODUCT! THIS CUSTOMER HAS SOMETHING TO SHOW YOU! WITH A PUSH OF A BUTTON! THE PRESERVED SPARTAN FALLS WITH THIS INGENIOUS SWITCH DESIGN! RELEASES HIM TO HIS EATER BELOW! MMM MMM GOOD! As the add above states, this is our spartan vending machine. Designed by Lanky Frank and Mostly constructed by Seaboro Kibbles, this simple yet intuitive map brings a old switch in a new way. By utilising the min/max switch we created a shaft which houses the player until someone else pushes the button allowing them to get the kill Please note: This is merely for amusement and no negative criticism will be acknowledged. Thanks Works best with 2 players. THANKS FOR VIEWING AND ENJOY! VENDER 3000 DOWNLOAD!
i are thinking el oh el oh el oh el oh el oh el! funny idea, reminds me of the lil machine they made on Mythbusters where it was a 7up vending machine on wheels that shot out 7up cans. well that's what it reminded me of, eh but i don't think i've seen a switch like this. pretty cool xD
Wow very original idea i would have to say... The first thing honestly i think of when looking at this is "canabilism" but ya thats kind of what it is. Ok nice aesthetic map you posted. Its kind of unique, due to the fact that venders have been made before but never have well you know gave you a person... ya
not sure what to certainly is creative, but the only practical use i see for it is in a very patient infection game. good construction tho.
That's why I put it into the aesthetic section. I might try to make a minigame around it but I'm not sure yet
sweet map,but if the human was crushed and outstreched in the machine,the zombie would have a dead but freash brain.4.9/5
Lol, a spartan vendor machine. Thats cool! But it kinda sucks for the players coming out of it. You could have made like a gumball machine, where soccerballs came out in stead...
very original Idea. maybe make a way to get out and make it a totally new infection Idea (if it doesn't make sense, I am sleepy)
No offence but I thought this map was basic and boring. This is a silly gimick and has no real purpose. It's not even a real switch. I tired the map out and I was disapointed. I don't feel that this is even worth posting on FH. Please make something worth Dling. 2/5
dream im sorry i have to disagree with you and your premium skills this map is both awsome and gives us somthing to do. sure it might not be a REAL switch but its still epic. plus its original.
And it is a real switch, what else would you call it? a fake switch? it's a min max door switch, don't be such a douche just because your premium
i like the idea you should definaly make a a new more advanced version where it releases more spartans