Project I Created by C0N741N3D Base: Foundry-.Construct Supported Gametypes: Slayer Story: Old enclosed fractures of of an old mongoose, reopened as a gun factory, now spartans have token over. "Brace for Impact." Description: This map is very small. Slayer would be good, like a 2-3 FFA or 2V2 TD. WEAPON LIST : 1xMauler 2xBR 2xSMG 2xMagnum 1xNeedler 1xCarbine 1xPlasma Rifle (Symetrical) EQUITMENT : 4xFrags 4xSpikes 1xRegenerater (Asseymettrical) OTHER : 6x Fusion Coils Forging 101: [ YES ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ YES ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ ___ ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Download Project I
Pretty nicely done. I like your use of bridges, but there's that one merged box thats just completely crooked. Whatever, it may have been intentional. And The ABCrew is probably going to eat you (ALIVE!!!) for naming it a project map. 4/5
O yea, i really didnt base the name off of that.. but i guess. And what box is crooked? the needler one? its suppose to b. Okay plz dont start this. This is not where i got the name from, plus its roman numeralls and in order.
This looks like a good map but what the other guy said about the ABC crew is true. either try to join the ABC crew or change the name to something starting with the letter I like um Ingrown
I was just wondering... was this on purpose? That's all... otherwise, this map is great! The Geomerging, the interlocking, the soon to be seen by me gameplay. All of it (Well I haven't seen gameplay yet!) 4/5 until I find out about the box, and don't make up anything because I want the truth! Onto testing the map. I just didn't want to be the 1,000th person to ask "Why this name? ABCrew is going to kill you dude!" Love the map, maybe more pictures? If possible, only if possible.
Uh at first i thought this map was made by the ABC crew and got really excited but then it was ruined because it wasn't making me not like the map as well as if i really looked at it and it wasn't named "project I". I would really want you to change your name for this map. Although its a very nice name I think that its not really the right choice. Well the map looks nice, as posted previously the slanted box could be fixed, but Im not sure if thats on purpose or not.
Map is great! Don't listen to those telling you to change the name, you created it, it's your work. I don't see anything wrong with this map really. A few minor interlocking and geomerging problems, but that's it. Definite download!
The map looks really good. Let me download and take a look. One thing that looks awesome is the glowing bridge curve thing. Let me guess an lift. I would just add some more pictures so that you can get a better feel for the layout. As for the slated box, it looks fine, I sometimes do that so you can only jump onto the front part and not the sides. As for the name, I dont know who ABCrew is but its not like they have a copyright on the "Project" name. You made the map, and made it well, there fore you deserve to name the map what you wish. And guys one person has already commented about the name, he doesn't need person after person to just restate what the first person said.
It doesn't look too bad of a map. But there doesn't seem to be any walking flow from the ground to the upper areas. Maybe try to place some ramps here and there. I'll dl and check it out and get back to you. Oh, and I don't mind if you call it Project I (since as how I'm an ABCrew member) Nor do I think the other members will.
Does the "I" stand for interlocking because that is all the map is? Let me first say you pulled off some awesome geomerges in this map. Your map has some great aesthetics. I also like your weapons choice, the mauler is a perfect choice for this map, it's not to powerful, it could be easily stopped, and it takes good strategy to use. I believe you should take out the needler though, it is almost powerless in this close quarters map. I think it would be a good idea to switch it for dual spikers or even a brute shot. Dont worry about all the people freaking out about that slanted box, they are just idiots who only like maps that have "1337" geomerges. There are two huge problems about this map though, the spawns and the size of the map. First I am going to talk about the size. The map is small as it is then you added a ton af geometry making it seem even smaller. This map would be very enjoyable if you just gave it some more brathing room. Another problem with the size was that you could add any ramps. To get to the High Ground I had to jump almost everytime which could get very annoying. Now on to the spawns; they were just terrible. I played a three person FFA on this map and at one point someone someone spawned behind me and assasinated, then then next person spawned behind the person that killed me and gave him a back slap and that I then spawned behind them and assasinated them, all in a matter of secconds. Now there is not that much you could do to fix the spawns becuase the map is so small. When we finished the game my friend said, "Yeah...... let's not do that again." I agreed. 2.91 out of 5 bad spawns.