Wow! This is extremely amazing. I can't even imagine how hard this must of been. Great job! BTW if you've seen "Wild Wild West" it looks like the giant spider machine in the end.
*forgegasm* Holy crap... a giant spider on Blackout... with good gameplay!?!? This is truly an epic map. 6/5 and a download for you!
I lol'd Truth. Truth. What he said. Great job Felipe, you and Batty have quite the battle goin on for the King of playable aesthetics, and I think you've just nudged youself into the lead. I remember games on this earlier on, and while I did have some minor concerns, I was still very impressed. I'll have to get some more games on it soon. Great job, sir.
wow when i first saw this i was thinking... LOOOOOOOL! it's funny that you actually made like a big spider thingy (looks like it to me) around the map, basically a giant that's actually playable. really cool idea, it looks really nice, hope it gets noticed and then gets featured! really cool! oh and i think it was really smart of you to have shield doors to kinda show you where you'll die from the guardians at, i'd say that could help other players realize where not to go on the map. pretty cool
omg omg omg thats all i heard during playing this because eveone was cumming over the huge spider, testing this was very fun, omg could it get anymore orringinal a huge spider on blackout!!!!! feature now gangsters
Wow, I love the spider. It looks like you spent a lot of time on it. It looks flawless. 5/5 and ill DL
Great job. The weapon placement is great, and the map is interlocked nicely. You only need to work on the proportions of the spider. Some of the legs are too long, and some are too short. In aesthetics that is needed, and looked for since the maps are just for looks. Otherwise, the gameplay is great.
Every leg is the exact same length. 3 double boxes and 3 single boxes. I suppose some do look disproportionate from being curled up, but no one is longer than the other. Everything is as proportionalte as can be. Thanks for the feedback though. I'd also like to thank everyone for their posts. All are greatly appreciated. Yes, the face is modeled after the Gears of War Corpser (fangs just didn't look as good), but it's still intended to be a normal spider. Additionally, I've always been a fan of BattyMan. Stories of his maps were what inspired me to make playable aesthetics. And to all who helped in the primary tests, I assure you that every issue presented by that one horiffic game has been corrected.
The structure of the spider itself is forged very well. Gameplay looks fun. Ill give it a download xD
We could make a ForgeHub Pay-Per-View movie titled Felipe dos vs. BattyMan and make MILLIONS! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Anyway, I realized that I'd forgotten to comment on the gametype Jumping Snipers. :O We had a great time playing it whenever we did, and the low gravity is really fun when fighting atop the spider. There were some epic noscope wars we had (I'm sure you remember them) and it was quite an enjoyable gametype for your map. It's a fun gametype period, especially on smaller maps like Guardian and The Pit!
and many of those epic no scopes were straight into my face :-( but anyways, i love this map and it is definitely feature worthy 11/10
This is officially the best aesthetic map in history (my opinion). It's also the map where my eyes widened and my jaw dropped the most XD I'm glad the such a great aesthetic map is playable. The game play looks very unique and promises fun matches every time you play on it. I haven't played it though, but I'm sure that this map will deliver. It looks like that you worked very hard on it and it really paid off. All your interlocking and merging are all so clean. I congratulate you for suck an awesome map. I see a bright future for it. Good thing you posted this in 2008 just in time to be a possible contender for Best Aesthetic Map. Good luck on that.
hey haha i remember playing with you guys on that map. (i was evilvillager's guest: the sucky player)
This map is an awesome aesthetic map I have been waiting for it for a long time. I have only played it once though and it was on king of the hill. I have one thing I did not like about it how the hills were not on the spider. Would of liked it if more of the gameplay was on the spider but still epic map! 5/5
I'm glad I got the invite and partook in the testing. This map is definitely like nothing I've seen before, and I hope you get the recognition you deserve.
Yes, they are. Each and every leg is curved at least a wee bit. In constructing them I made sure that every slanted edge of each interlocked box shares another box's edge, if that makes any sense. Another way of viewing this is that on every convex side of each leg, boxes are not interlocked past their slanted edges. So even though some may appear to be shorter due to their curvature, each is the same length. The one and only exception is the middle-hind leg on the spider's right side, from which I was forced to remove a single opened box. This box is now the spider's head. I could not afford to put more than one hill on the spider, as it's surface area alone is too small for the maximum party size of 14 people. 14 armed players in one hill is extremely hectic, and Blackout is far more suitable for the hill placement. The one hill that is placed on the spider can be found on the ramps making up the spider's back. I am not certain, but the Crazy King variant seems to decide which hill to use by where players are heading. KOTH is the only gametype in which flow is normally deterred from the teleporters, which are the only method of reaching the spider. The hill marker on the spider is therefore seldomly chosen by the game.
I don’t know where to begin with this map. I’ve had ideas similar to this, building a map above Blackout and somehow connecting it to the oil rig underneath, but I never went though with it because I assumed dealing with the invisible barriers in between the two areas would be massively frustrating. So I give you a lot of credit for actually linking together those two parts of Blackout. The dimensions of the spider are perfect. The head, the legs, the different parts of the body; everything is amazingly proportional. You deserve a lot of praise for that. I mean, this isn’t a painting or a sculpture, you can’t just produce your own shapes and pieces. To take these premade objects and put them together on such a large scale and have nothing look too big, or too small, or somehow out of place is just incredibly impressive. The way you’ve situated the legs is great. Each one is doing its own thing, serving a purpose; the setup you’ve got going on does a very good job of simulating movement. And the structure of the legs also gives a nice weight to the spider. The creature definitely looks light, like a real spider would, but not so much that it comes across as being floaty. The use of Blackout is hugely innovative. The only other time I’ve seen a bungie-made map used as a prop for an aesthetic creation was on my own Arctic Horror, where a monster climbs up Avalanche’s cliff. But you’ve completely surpassed that, you’ve got this thing just absolutely dominating Blackout. Let’s see... The face is great, taking scenery objects and conveying an emotion or facial expression is something I consider to be very impressive. The legs are pretty clever, I mean, the boxes on Blackout are so dumb and ugly, figuring out how to use them in such an aesthetically fresh way is awesome. You've got lots of cool subtle aesthetic things going on, like the somewhat misty/translucent leg standing on top of the tallest building, and that dark red/bright red abdomen section. So yeah, absoluetely amazing map. Except for the trip mine placement, hardly an ideal place for it. 0/5 because of that.
This is just insane, like almost the best map i have ever seen. This is feature worthy. Also ur very good with playable maps with giant animals. 200/10. I am downloading and i cant wait to test myself. Though you should have token more inside shots, but awsome geomerging/interlocking. And its cool u can play on actual Blockout 2. Great job, i hope u make more =) .