Bl00D F1R3's Machinima Contest!

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Mr Pokephile, Nov 5, 2008.

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  1. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Bl00D F1R3's Machinima Contest!

    If the video does not appear, you can see it Here

    This is a contest in hosting on youtube. Its exactly like my template contest except its a video this time! You have until December 15th to submit your video to me.

    The winner of the contest will get 1600 MS points to spend as their will dictates. You won't only get 1600 Microsoft points, but your video will be featured on my youtube channel.

    The videos will be judged upon quality. There is no set theme to the video, you can make whatever you want, be it comedy, horror, action, drama, romance etc.

    There will be more than one winner but only one will get the Microsoft points. The ranking system is as follows:

    First Place

    • 1600 Microsoft points
    • Video featured on my channel, as its own.
    • Bragging rights

    Second Place

    • Video featured on my channel, as its own.

    Third Place

    • Video Featured on my channel, as its own.

    Honorable Mentions

    • Videos featured in one big video post on my channel

    To submit your video is easy, simply make a video response to the contest video on my youtube channel, which can be found here
    After December 15th. A few others and I will browse trough the submitted videos and choose the top ones.

    Use this code to submit videos on this thread, be sure to make a video response to my video.

         [B]Video Name[/B]:
    [B]Director Name[/B] : 
    [B]Youtube Channel[/B]: 
    [B]Video Description[/B]: 

    Rules To Remember

    • Nothing can be altered on the original clip, you can add effects, you just can't size it down or edit out any of it.
    • The clip must be included in your video.
    • Your video can't be longer than 7 minutes.
    • Capture Card use is recommended, not required.
    • Films must be summited December 15th.


    The following links will be needed for you to do this successfully.

    The Stock Footage

    The footage you're going to need can be downloaded from rapid share. Here is the link to download it. Once you reach the screen to download it, select free user and then click the relevant download link. You're going to need it, that's the stock footage. Once again, download it Here.

    The Map

    This is a very simple map I made to shoot the stock footage, the map is forged on ghost town in the defender's base. It's just four simple jail cells. You don't need to download this, but you might want to, to carry on the shot. You can download it here: BFMC.

    Recommended Game Type

    A little tip for you guys, a great game type made by Digital Ph33r is filming. Its makes your videos look a lot better and everything is set up for you on it. You don't have any grenades, you start with a plasma pistol and you move 125% faster. It makes it look more realistic you can grab it here: Filming.


    If you're still not sure about anything, please feel free to reply to this thread with a question or simply Message Bl00D F1R3 with any questions you have about this

    Once again, Here is the download link for the stock footage.

    To keep up-to date with the contest, check Bl00D F1R3's Channel daily as there will be updates for the contest, here's a link to his channel

  2. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
    Senior Member

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    If i am the only one to post a machinima, do I automatically win?
  3. Mr Pokephile

    Mr Pokephile Forge Labs
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Technically yes but I know of people who are entering.
  4. lonelancer

    lonelancer Ancient
    Senior Member

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  5. LittleLordSissy

    LittleLordSissy Ancient
    Senior Member

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    sounds fun, If I kill off any opposing machinima makers,do I win? automatically?
  6. RubbrDuckE

    RubbrDuckE Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll try and finish my machinima by then. I've been planning for a while but never got the free time to aquire the actors and armor premutations neccassary.
  7. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm in Bl00d, I gotta warn you though, I'm a master machinima maker!

    EDIT 12/15/08: Unfortunately, I could not finish my machinima, and I do not see it being finished by the end of today, so I will not be submitting a film. However, if I should get some spare time to finish it, I might just put it up anyway.
    #7 The Cheat, Nov 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 15, 2008

    SillySANGHEILI Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm still in the process of finishing mine, and i have nothing else to submit because i lost them. If you're still doin the contest when i get done, then i'm in too.
  9. ukilledkenny7

    ukilledkenny7 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Can we submit something we created in the past?
  10. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    So who won? Are you going to post the winning video, or the top 5 or whatever?
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