deselation This is my first MLG map it is relitivly old but has very good game play. there are three levels on the map, the third level is risky due to no cover but can pay off. Some of the back of foundry was used to add cover. Both teams spawn on top of very small bases faceing eachother were they run for mauler in the middle tunnle. While someone runs for the sniper on the sniper perch. This map is playable with MLG gametypes only. (CTF Ons,Teamslayer v5) Weapons 8x BR's 10x Carbines 1xSniper 1xMauler 6xfrag's 12xplasma's Started by: AcidSaint Forged by: o Providence o Ideas by: Both of us Sniper perch and back base Back of map and brige to Mauler Spawn platform (A side) Map Overview click here to Download Deselation
This map looks pretty good, looks clean. Most MLG is symettrical, but this still looks great..........8/10