We may dominate the planet now, but millions of years ago, another kind of creature roamed the earth. This forge creation is a window into that past. Yeah so basically, it's a T-rex i built. I tried my best to get the proportions right. The end product wasn't exactly what i had in mind, but it's decent. Overview Head Getting Stomped Tail End Keep Driving!!! Download Map
Looks awesome! I really like that you've used trucks as claws / feet. Keep up the good work! Peace // gorebound
haha! That would go great in a Machinima or sumthing! xD Nice job man that's some crazy t-rex you got goin there.
Wow, that sure is spiffy looking. I'm glad to see that people have discovered that they can make cool big guys in Foundry too. Is there any way to walk on the dinosaur? or is it more of a sculpture?
Haha this made me laugh. The dino looks funny. Yeah but I like the foot where it looks like it is steping with the bulldozers.
I love it. And you were very imaginative with the use of forklifts and especially swords. Well done. Keep 'em coming.
The forklift feet was an awsome idea, but i thought T-Rex had arms... Also a great addition would be like a warthog in it's mouth or something. That'd be hilarious.
Lol, the teleporters as talons are nice. And I like the whole Jurassic Park theme you have in the last picture