dead rising

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Redskin150, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. Redskin150

    Redskin150 Ancient
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    dead rising by:

    hey everyone, this is my first forge map that im posting. I'm pretty new to forging. I just learned how to interlock and merge objects so take that into consideration when looking at the map. Please give me some constructive criticism so that i can get better at forging. Thx
    The map has two levels, there are two elevators on both ends. To use the elevators u have to throw the regenerator into it and jump. Its a small map that should be good for 2v2 matches

    bottom level

    top level


    Top of Elevator

    [​IMG] : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details
  2. Huntar

    Huntar Ancient
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    it looks... decent.

    i see allot of places to escape. And not to mention its needs allot of cleaning up.
    Learn how to merge/geo-merge and this map will be great.
    Also, make things more straight, it looooooooks verrrrrrrrrrrry slopy.
    Gameplay looks fun tho, i like were the shot gun spawns.

    overall 3/5

    learn merging, and you'll be the next premium =]
  3. Redskin150

    Redskin150 Ancient
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    i think i got most of the spots to get out, i tested it for a while

    most of the walls are merged together
  4. xOWNAGE27x

    xOWNAGE27x Ancient
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    Could use some interlocks and merging,its messy but it looks like it could be some fun.

    FR0ZEN FEARS Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Interlocking: 1/5
    Playability: 2/5
    Noob proof: 0/5 (a ton of openings)

    To be honest, the layout of this map isn't very great, and interlocking is messy, the walls are bumpy, many things are not lined up, and the only real thing on the map is the bridge with the stairs. I would rate it a 1/5, but considering you're new to forge, I'll give it a 2.

    A 2 isn't necessarily bad, it just means you should keep going at it and try to be more original. Try looking at other FH maps. :)
  6. Crusadermike

    Crusadermike Ancient
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    eh in my opinion the map seems to be pretty decent and the intended layout looks ideal and nice to me for a 2v2 map, just that i think if you wanted to you could maybe see about trying to straighten up quite a few walls/fencewalls/double boxes on the map if you'd like it to look a lot nicer. just spawn stuff in the way to spawn later in the game then you can straighten up the crooked stuff, i think it'd be better. well nice job though
  7. halodudeguyman

    halodudeguyman Ancient
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    JEEZ man! he said so himself that he is new to interlocking and making maps! read b4 you make bad comments. you iz idiot!
    i give you a 3.5/5. sorry. make a version 2 and it will be 4/5. from what i see, there is a good layout but not much cover. put like some boxes on the first floor with like a needler somewhere. dont forget bubble shields. NEED MOAR WEAPONS!!!!!!!!! put a rly pwerful wep. somewhere someone would have to look for it. hint: shotty. welcome to Forgehub and good job on posting a map right. Very few ppl dont forget the pictures. this guy is new at making maps so GIVE HIM SOME SLACK! oh and awesome elevators. no new maps these days use that technique.
  8. Redskin150

    Redskin150 Ancient
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    hey thx 4 the advice whitehalo3
  9. whitehalo3

    whitehalo3 Ancient
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    What you need to work on:
    In order to clean you map make everything PARALLEL with the ground AND wall. Whenever dealing with double boxes and bridges, flip them towards the people. For example, if you are using the double boxes as floors flip them upside-down. If you are using them as walls flip them towards the inside of the map. When dealing with respawn points and teleporters, face them toward the inside of the map and not towards the walls (you didn't do that but it is still good advice). Finally I think that you need to open up the bottom and add bases to it or something.
    What I liked:
    My first map was a complete faliure and when I posted a good map on forgehub I got and infraction. I like how the fact that you know waht your doing on forgehub. I like how your floor is made of fence walls that are pretty straight and interlocked. I also like your creativity with the hole to the bottom of the level.

    Just do what I said and you should come out with a pretty good map. Sorry but 2/5. I hoped this helped.

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