I had some time in the car to make some sigs with my lap top and I thought that they both turned out pretty good, C&C please. I like this one the best I still like this one though
WOW, these sigs look great. I like the first one better too but isn't it too big. Also you might want to use the dodge tool on the G and O because it looks like it says catnuts. the second one looks pretty cool, even though I am not a fan of metroid prime. Kepp making sigs.
Wow, that top one is sick. I haven't seen a sig like that on here yet, well done for breaking the trend lol. So CnC. Save your work as a png, this makes the sig higher a quality image compared to a jpeg. Its very big, you should resize it to anything lower than 500x200 before it gets taken off by a mod. Apart from that, I don't see anything wrong, I'll leave that for others to decide. The Metroid sig also looks good but theres something about it that makes it not as nice. I think its just the placement of the background, its also a bit dark.
Thanks for the advice on saving as a png, I noticed that the quality wasnt that great, I think resize will make the quality better also. I have seen way bigger sigs that havent got taken off so I dont think that it would be a problem but ill resize it anyways.
The first one is very good until you realize what the actual image is. Then it starts to suck hard. Try to put a more abstract image back there.
I must agree with Forge God about the text though. It really does say CATNUTS. The O and the end of the G is too dark.