(Ok I have read all the things I have to have on here for forgehub standards.) Hello everyone Pjboy24 here this will be my firrst complete forge standards map. This map is for 3-6 player. Desription The spartens got feed up of the elites taking there supplys so they built a base right across the elites and started to attack the there supply fort(Bird nest) they fought some tried to sneak around and come from behide but it was a enless battle.WHO WILL COME OUT ON TOP. http:// GAMETYPES Team slayer 3-6 Muti flag 4-8 one flag 3-6 WEAPONS x1 brs x1 shotgun x1 sniper x2 covant carbine x2 maulers x2 magnum x2 needler x4 spiker EGUIPMENT x2 bubble shield x1 regenarator x2 power drain POWER UPS x2 overshield x1 active camo This is the blues base which the reds is just the same on the other side(Will have pic). http:// This just an overview of the hole map. http:// This is another overview but from the back of the birds nest. http:// This is behide the bird nest. http:// Will have more pics. http://www.bungie.net/stats/Halo3/FileShare.aspx?gamertag=pjboy24 Does this work?
coooool, looks alright from the screenshots, but just to throw in some advice here imma say that if u wanna get hi-res screenshots without even having to take them from your own web cam or anything (i'm guessing you did, eh it's not bad though) you can just go to theater mode on a recent clip of your map, go to free look (press y) fly around and take pictures. then go to your gamertag on bungie.net (don't have to have a bungie.net account to do this, just find player) and you can look at your screenshot gallery where up to 30 of your recent screenshots taken online on halo 3 are stored. so then u can take from those pictures that are automatically in high-res. hey well it looks fun for objective, from what i could guess. edit: i did notice that you have 2 overshields and 1 camo on the map, i just wonder if that's a great idea or a bad idea with 3-6 players? hey just posing the question, considering i haven't downloaded it and played i'm not going to say, but i guess you can have power-up fun for everyone! oh and if you want, you could maybe put the respawn times of the weapons in your post, just if you want to add some more to your post and give people some more info of the map, cuz that can make a difference in gameplay. like for example you may not want the sniper to spawn every 30 seconds but rather every 3 minutes, depends on the forger or the type of map i guess. just throwing that out there , if i remember i can edit this and take it out of the post if u happen to add that on to ur post.
Ya I do have pics its just i couldn't get them on here.Trust me 9 times outt of 10 you will die trying to get it.The sniper.This is different version of the map.Did my dl link work? Performance 1 100% done Performance 2 48% performance 3 10%
Although I can't see the map at all due to the horrible screen shots (read the 1st post), it looks like a lot of the map is really crooked. And by the overall layout of the map, there's waaaay too much empty space. I suggest trying to remake it, but with 2 giant center buildings instead of one.
think you for the tip a matter of fact ive built a v2 but its alot better.also this map dosn't have alot of emty space its jst u cant see because i aint got a pic that shows the side yet. if u want ill send u a messsage when ido. thank you for your help. will have better pics later .
Why did you take the pics with a camera? you could just take screenshots in the game and then get them off bungie.net
Good work. But not so good at the same time. One: Never take all of your pictures with a blurred effect. it makes it impossible to see the maps aesthetics and the map itself. Secondly: Always provide an overview. Use these techniques and i personally guarantee you will see a spike in dl's. good effort. 4/5
This map is very sloppy lokking, as far as i can see, look at a pic tut, just sayin. Work on this . I ratezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz 5.5/10. Its ok i guess.
hey uh.. i cant see much cuz you took all those pictures with ur cam. take em in halo 3 theater then upload them. it will be more clearer for other people & probably be more pleasing to the eye becouse as we all know, most people nowadays judge my pictures.