Eight Emerald Legs

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Aesthetic Maps' started by Felipe dos, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. Felipe dos

    Felipe dos Ancient
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    It is with great pride that, at long last, I present to the Forge Hub community my second playable aesthetic map.

    This map has been featured on Forge Hub's front page
    Click here to view the thread.



    This rig was once inhabited by the several men and women sent to extract the earth’s final oil reserves in the freezing arctic climate. Due to the sub-zero temperature, the unexplored region was deemed it unfit for sustaining animal life. One species of spider, however, thrived in the cavernous ice. Their growth unrestricted by predators or a small habitat, they became immense. Many grew larger than the oil rig itself. The curious beasts found themselves attracted to the commotion of the operating workers, who were unable to escape the gargantuan arthropods.

    One spider remains atop the rig today, keeping claim to its new prize.



    Eight Emerald Legs is quite the one-of-a-kind Blackout map. It combines gameplay from the original geometry with the advent of a structure built outside of the map’s elastic barrier. Gameplay is very unique in that it creates a major threat from above, rather than providing a completely horizontal battlefield. Blackout’s many levels are perfectly suitable for giving cover from overhead fire.

    All surfaces atop the spider provide excellent platforms for combat and maneuvering. Here lie the sentinel beam, 2 carbines, 2 plasma grenades, and a bubble shield.

    In all asymmetric and most symmetrical gametypes, attackers will start inside of the spider while defenders find themselves below on Blackout.

    Here in the attackers’ starting point (in the back of the spider) lie 2 frag grenades, a brute shot, and an active cammo powerup.

    Near the defenders' base are a shotgun, a battle rifle, 2 plasma grenades, 2 SMGs, and an overshield.

    Four teleporters inside of the spider’s legs link the original map with the structure standing above. Each of these teleporters will only take players from Blackout to the structure, as it is entirely possible to jump from the spider, pass through the elastic barrier, and land below on the original map.

    Many surfaces on Blackout that are now accessible have homicidal tendencies. These surfaces are covered in shield doors. If players happen to find themselves atop any surface such as this, 3 seconds will follow before instant death by the guardians is inflicted. Players have these three seconds to jump free of the shield doors.

    It is understandable that this map would not remain original in the least if most gameplay was centered around Blackout, an already existing map. To combat this weapons and spawns have been rearranged, map flow is intended to lead to the spider, and the spider itself changes the geometry of original Blackout.

    Gameplay inside of the spider, much like the inside of Blackout, is intended for close-quarters combat. An SMG, a spiker, and a trip mine reside here.

    Here is a great overview of the entire spider, courtesy of Debo37.

    Action shots

    Carbines lie atop many of the spider's legs

    A sentinel beam is found near the spider's head

    The beam rifle can be easily utilized by those on the spider

    The spider's geometry creates very interesting gameplay in King of the Hill and Territories

    The custom gametype, Jumping Snipers, provides some of the best experiences the map can offer.

    The room inside of the spider can be difficult to infiltrate

    The rockets lie in default shotgun spawn, next to a teleporter bringing any player to the spider for an aerial attack, such as Debo37 owning Grif and I in a game of territories.

    Weapons and Equipment
    5 Battle Rifles (2 spare clips, 45 second respawn)
    4 Assault Rifles (1 spare clip, 45 second respawn)
    3 SMGs (2 spare clips, 60 second respawn)
    2 Carbines (2 spare clips, 45 second respawn)
    1 Needler (2 spare clips, 90 second respawn)
    1 Rocket Launcher (1 spare clip, 180 second respawn)
    1 Shotgun (1 spare clip, 120 second respawn)
    1 Beam Rifle (120 second respawn)
    1 Brute Shot (2 spare clips, 120 second respawn)
    1 Sentinel Beam (120 second respawn)
    1 Spiker (2 spare clips, 60 second respawn)

    8 Plasma Grenades (10 second respawn)
    4 Frag Grenades (10 second respawn)
    2 Bubble Shields (60 second respawn)
    1 Trip Mine (60 second respawn)
    1 Regenerator (60 second respawn)
    1 Overshield (120 second respawn)
    1 Active Cammo (120 second respawn)

    Recommended Gametypes
    Jumping Snipers
    One flag
    One bomb
    Team Slayer

    Special Thanks
    Mr McHaggis1
    Paulie Walnuttz
    Rafael Romulo
    And many more

    Download Eight Emerald Legs
    Download Custom Gametype Jumping Snipers
    #1 Felipe dos, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2009
  2. Debo37

    Debo37 Ancient
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    Felipe, I'm extremely happy that this is finished and out there. You've put so much time and effort into it that it's simply astounding. You should have kept track of all the hours spent making this like the Castlanche guy did! Haha. Anyway, this map is not only my favorite aesthetic map ever, but it's one of my favorite playable ones as well. The gameplay on this thing is incredible, especially considering how difficult it must have been to balance the gigantic spider towering over Blackout with the rest of the map. When I first thought up the idea for a giant spider this summer when we were doing volunteer work I honestly didn't think it was possible, but you've soundly proven me wrong.

    Massive kudos to you for actually building something breathtaking. Maps with a "WOW" factor are seldom seen these days, and it's really refreshing to see one. When I first loaded up your map and looked into the sky I pretty much shat my pants. This is by far the biggest (and most badass) aesthetic structure ever created! Nothing even remotely compares to the size of this spider, and the fact that you've created it with Blackout's terrible Forge palette goes to show just how innovative a Forger you are and have become. Few maps can impress total Forge-nubs like this one can. Many times when total strangers have joined my testing parties they've freaked out and exclaimed things like "Is this even possible?!" and "Holy crap!! It's a giant spider!"

    This map will definitely be an inspiration to aesthetic map creators now and in the foreseeable future. 8 Emerald Legs will go down in Forge history along with End of the Line as one of the aesthetic maps that just plain blew everyone away. I wouldn't doubt a Feature (and you attaining Premium) or even a BoF nomination for this map. It's seriously that good. Excellent job!
  3. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    Simply amazing. One of the very best playable aesthetic. This is even better than the maps that just use blackout as a floating map template. This map incorporates with the default blackout. CTF, bomb, territories, and jumping snipers are definitely the most fit gametypes for this map. Being able to go from the spider to the map and vice versa is absolutely amazing, it definitely adds a twist in gameplay. There are several places from the spider in which you are able to drop down into blackout making territories more interesting. And traveling across the spider during bomb and CTF gives the players a lot more options than just going through normal blackout.

    this map is a definite DL for all players. and i agree with debo37, this map needs a feature.
    P.S. thanks for including me in the special thanks list, and woot, i see me and my guest in the jumping snipers picture
    P.P.S. sorry, you won't have my download for this since we already played this map together. (meaning i already got this map and gametype from the recent games thingy)
    #3 evilvillager, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  4. sam007halo23

    sam007halo23 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    wow amazing,
    and it's playable this should be featured

    On to the map:
    Nice geomerging and a good use of interlocking. I like the bit where the stairs are geomerged into the wall.

    I think one flag plays the best
    but I haven't tryed jumping snipers

    overall 5/5
  5. KevinXI

    KevinXI Ancient
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    wow dude this looks really cool, I just downloaded it and cant wait to test it out. I'm still confused on how someone would get to the top of the spider from below, but i'm sure you explained it in your description somewhere and i'm too tired to see it. ok, off to bed for me.
  6. Nobody Worthy

    Nobody Worthy Ancient
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    Talk about a funky name. lulz. You should have called it The Ider of Spider. lolololol. But no really, looks godly felipe! This is truly a work of masterly forge. I can not WAIT to try this out. I'm so going to get a game on it later today when I'll be on. :D

    I'll be back with a report. ;)
  7. unholy3x900x

    unholy3x900x Ancient
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    this map is very very good and playable
  8. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
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    holy ****....

    alright im officially un-grounding myself so i can go play this ASAP

    *distant noise in the backround*.....SHUT UP DAD!!!

    LOLOLOL...vorpal...ider of spider XD --it's VORPAL not VORPRAL. D:< -Vorpal.

    EDIT: aaaaaaaaw crap! this means i missed debo night huh...... =(

    EDIT: hey felipe, next time you make a fantastic asthetic map, dont take screenies of it...
    your recent screenshots were just waaaay too tempting not too check out....
    #8 HydroZoid, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 28, 2008
  9. GD27 BlueDevil

    GD27 BlueDevil Ancient
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    Wow. I remember when Ire Of Fire was featured a while ago. You are truly skilled with making aesthletic maps play well. The spider is amazing and the fact that you didn't do it on Avalanche is evan better. Does this use the budget glitch? Because I would like to see it there :)

    I think Mr. Philipe Dos is going to get premium! Great job, your work shows!!
  10. Kion FH

    Kion FH Ancient
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    I think this needs to be featured. This is an amazing map. The spider not only looks good but blocks off entrances, completly changing the gameplay of the map. It looks like it plays exellently. Incredible asthetics! 5/5
  11. Finding Fate

    Finding Fate Ancient
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    OMFG AWESOME~~~!!!!!111!!!!! lol Dude please send me friend request my name is my gamertag. my bungie won't work cause i don't live in US , So please man help me out so i can play this map or anyone else who has this map.
  12. Bobguy13

    Bobguy13 Ancient
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    Okay, this map is purely awesome. The interlocking, the geo-merging, the fact that you made a giant spider on blackout...awesome. I love how you even made it gameplay-compatible. You are a true forging genius. Does anyone else think that this would be a good tradition: "Slow-Clap Method", one person posts *clap* at the bottom of their post if they think a map deserves a feature, then everyone else who wants to see it featured also puts *clap* at the bottom of their review, only they add one *clap* each time. 5/5 for a ****ing giant spider with people fighting on it on a mining facility with interlocking and ninja-ness. FEATURE NAO!

    Edit:I think I'm going to sue Felipe for being so awesome and steal the spider's head. Then I'll switch its head with Optimus Prime's head, and put its head on Optimus Prime. Awesome.

    #12 Bobguy13, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2008
  13. SPARTANZ77

    SPARTANZ77 Ancient
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    nice map d00d I dont really know you but I see you around the forums alot and have seen your previous work,very good astetics,this deserves a feature NAO! 10/10 and DLe'd
  14. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    Amazing, just outstanding. I usually just browse the new maps posted and I noticed it had 5 Stars, willingly I clicked on it and to my surprise it was a huge spider. That seriously couldn't be better. Geo-merging, interlocking, save and quiting its a amazing and I don't really see what else you could do with it.

    I'm just DLing it so I don't know how good the game play will be on it but from reading it sounds amazing, keep it up and I do hope people will recognize your forging skills.
  15. spectraltravis

    spectraltravis Ancient
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    this is unbeilevable you built a giant mother ******* spider on black out you are one of the best forgers i have ever seen im gonna have to put this on my file share great job 5/5
  16. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    holy ****in **** man... i was expecting greatness from you, but this is far beyond what i was expecting. the spider actually looks amazing! you even managed to work with the actual map, which reminds me of the crashed scarab on Turf from Halo 2. :)

    Im gonna download it immediately, but i can only afford a quick forgethrough because of a shitty case of RRoD. I knew you'd deliver, but damn, im impressed man. kudos.
  17. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    I can't say much, since I only did a forge through, but wow... I mean breathtaking man! I started the game up, looked in the sky, and my jaw dropped. I found myself commenting on huge it was multiple times. Not to mention you used all of Blackout (lulz my bad) with it, which is quite the feat. You sir, should be proud of yourself, this is amazing.
  18. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
    Senior Member

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    This map is on Blackout, sir. ;)
  19. Sage

    Sage Ancient
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    i Cant say anything that hasnt been said already so ill cut to the chase. the map is awesome the design is perfect the actual making is awesome. You made a great map i hope to see more of your work.
  20. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I remember around 2 months ago you showed this to me. As soon as I shot up that lift and looked up, I instantly knew it was going to be featured. I don't know so much about the gameplay considering I was never able to make the test play dates. I was just wondering ever since the first time I saw it, where you basing this spider off of the Corpser from Gears of War?

    I will be downloading this version and do a forge through to see if you did anything and a couple test plays later on. I love the look of this map and get ready for premium sir. :D

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