For this week, starting today, Halo:CE can be bought for 600 microsoft points, so if you love the game but dont have it, this is a fantastic deal in my opinion. Just wanted to let you all know.
CE stands for Combat Evolved. It was the tagline of the first Halo game, Halo: Combat Evolved. It was before it was called "Halo 1".
Oh ok thanks, so the whole game is on sale for 600 MP. Thats a pretty good deal. At first i was thinking the legendary map pack but ya im tired and i dont make sense right now thanks for the update silence
If they had Custom Edition on the Xbox I wouldn't ever leave the house. Imagine downloading the maps from your computer to your Xbox. Anyways, I really wish they hadn't just made it a port for the Xbox Live Arcade, I wish they would've added Xbox Live Capability. Then I wouldn't have to play Halo PC to play 8v8 CTF on Sidewinder. (Don't even say I could play Avalanche on Halo 3, it's not the same without the pistol :cry
Oh god. Thanks for the info Silence, but I really don't think I will be enjoying Halo 1's horrible spawn system anymore then I have to.
Does that mean its over starting today? Because I would like to buy the game but I dont get my xbox back from repairs until tomorrow. Will I still be able to buy it for the 600 microsoft points?