the great sea

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Mini Game Maps' started by unholy3x900x, Dec 28, 2008.

  1. unholy3x900x

    unholy3x900x Ancient
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    This is a very fun map i mad and game type witch u can not play with out it.
    Here is a good explanation the humans jump from box to box to try to get to the end to a custom power up and a laser to kill the zombie aka the Pirana
    the zombies must get in the the choppers and splatter the humans it the fall i prefer that the zombies do not shot it shacks it to much but u can if u want to play that way it makes it harder

    this is just to give u a good feel of the gametype there will be a new one soon and i promise every body this it will be very good better then this the chopper will be more fun so u should check this out : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details

    #1 unholy3x900x, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2008
  2. unholy3x900x

    unholy3x900x Ancient
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    there will be pics soon u guys will love it
  3. flucifer

    flucifer Ancient
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    I am speechless... not of awe at your map... but quite the opposite...

    oh and here
  4. ForgeGod117

    ForgeGod117 Ancient
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    Okay, first of all you should not triple post ever. Just edit the original comment. Second, You have to embed the pictures. I can do that for you right now if you want. Third of all, You can add the text that you want to links by writing it and highlighting it, Then click the hyperlink button and enter the address in.

    From the linked pictures this map looks like it could be fun. But it is nothing special.



  5. Finding Fate

    Finding Fate Ancient
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    Sorry man nice try, just no interlocking nor geomerging, on forgehub?? only maps i see like that are LMC but anyways, nice try, just give it a little more time for now 1/5
  6. evilvillager

    evilvillager Ancient
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    seriously i don't think you even read the description, i think you just look at the pictures and make assumptions of what the map might be about. you know, not every map has to have interlocking, interlocking is just an technique for better gameplay, aesthetics purposes, or making an object fit into a space that it can't originally. and i do see interlocking on the 2nd pic. this map according to the concept really doesn't need interlocking. its just more of jump maze for the humans. On something like this, no interlocking is required, its just simple floating objects, and if you're talking about the brute chopper cage, i think it looks fine, it doesn't look possible for human or vehicle to get back up there.

    Feedback on map: this game concept isn't very good, you're better off just making a jump maze for people. It'll be extremely boring for the zombies the whole time. Plus when the humans get the spartan laser, whats going to stop the zombies from running away, like hiding on top of one of the floating objects making the humans have to climb back up the maze all over again just to reach them. Sorry but 1/5. Needs some rethinking on the game concept or at least not have the zombies be so bored.
  7. Finding Fate

    Finding Fate Ancient
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    My point wasn't to stir up anything and by replying show your intelligence. WHAT I WAS SAYING IS THAT most good maps that are both aesthetically and just pleasing. And come on this is forge hub for posting great and good maps , which most people want to see interlocking and geomerging whenever possible. So please think before you reply.
  8. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Forgehub isn't for posting great maps, it's for anyone to post their own maps.

    Mate, you need to have embeded screenshots in your map thread otherwise, this will be locked. You have 21 hours to do so. If you're wanting some help on the matter, this thread should provide to be quite helpful:

    Any comments about screenshots after me will be infracted for spam.

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