
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Frag Man, Dec 27, 2008.

  1. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Before everyone assumes I insult them for their CnC, shut-up and listen. If I say anything, it's because I'm being sarcastic. I want to say that again.


    Now that we have that clear, let's go on with the thread.


    I recently realized I like blue. I never knew I had a favorite color until now. I use blue way too often, so that is now my official color. Good day.
  2. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    Left side feels very empty.
  3. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Your head is empty.

    Are you sure? I thought I covered it well this time.
  4. Warfang

    Warfang Ancient
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    Frag Man, please don't use sarcasm on the internet. We can't tell that it is sarcasm because you are typing, and you have been known to insult, so we can only assume. If you where speaking in person, it would be a different story. /sarcasm tags are also a good tool.

    As for the sig, fairly good job. The left side is too empty, and too whitish. I know what you where trying to do, but you went a little overboard. Spice it up with some C4Ds.

    The text placement is good, but I don't like the font. It's too boring and simple for a sig called "Divine". The BG is great, except for the two rectangles near the top right corner.
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Here we go my first foray into this forum.

    Left side is a it empty, though I don't think that's really a problem.
    It's more like because of the lighting it looks like she is staring at a big blank boring wall.
  6. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    The "two rectangles" are actually part of a larger object. Don't even bother trying to tell me to move them. I have decided on keeping them there.

    Other than that, I will take into consideration the "left side empty" now. Seems not many people agree with it.
  7. RaVNzCRoFT

    RaVNzCRoFT Ancient
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    It's very bland; not very exciting. And not just on the left side.
  8. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    is it just me or does the girl seem a little blurry? anyway i actually like the blankness i think it makes it look better. also the light looks realistic. good job
  9. Juggernaut

    Juggernaut Ancient
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    Where's the flow? I think you misplaced it.
  10. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    I think I left it in the garbage.
  11. LOCK.xcf

    LOCK.xcf Ancient
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    Im really sick of you, just DON'T be sarcastic.

    As for the sig, same problem as your other one. WAY too much open space, the colors are okay, this time i can see the text, but the font itself doesn't please me. Way to rough. The C4D effects are great, and i really would have wished you could have extended them more to the left. Also, the lighting effect still doesn't look natural, way to round.

    Your new style with open space is okay, but needs some tuning. IMO, a sig should never have a large area of just a blank color such as white or black.
  12. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Holy ****. Holy ****.


    Seriously, what is wrong with you guys? Can you not appreciate art at all? Things don't have to have random **** EVERYWHERE. It's about how you place things, not where you place it. Emptiness may be the purpose of the left side, it doesn't have to be full of stupid random renders. There are many different types of art, many different styles and no one person runs G&A (though it appears as a few believe they do).

    If you are going to post shitty comments with the intent of belittling others, keep it to yourself. There is nothing at all in any way wrong with having empty space. There is no such thing as too simple, too bland, or too boring. Art is about the message.
  13. EGP

    EGP Ancient
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    I think you did very well on blending the render in with the background but the render seems very blury and the left side seems kind of empty.

    still nice sig 4/5
  14. Actually cool

    Actually cool Ancient
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    My thoughts exactly.
  15. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    But he asked for CnC. Comments and criticism... People have pointed out the good things such as the improvements in his text... And they also have pointed out the downsides such as the emptiness.. Frag Man doesn't HAVE to take the CnC.. But it's people's opinions on the art and that is how they see it... Some people like it simple; others don't. And yes, some art is symbolic in ways and has messages.. Others don't.. I make signatures sometimes just for the hell of...

    And Frag Man, it is an improvement in your style... The color scheme is good.. I like the simplicity of it but I think it needs more... And I'm not fond of the text... There is a tut on Sigtutorials.com for text..Yo should check it out..
    #15 ZCT, Dec 28, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2008
  16. chrstphrbrnnn

    chrstphrbrnnn Guardian
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    Yeah comments and criticism, not flaming and trolling, which is especially prominent in his last signature post. People do it just because of who he is. My point is the people who deem themselves the G&A gods try to dictate a set style that no one can vary from. Improving the overall quality of what he's going for is fine, but not trying to force him to conform his style.
  17. ZCT

    ZCT Ancient
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    Ok, that's true enough.
  18. Frag Man

    Frag Man Ancient
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    Yes, after all, I should listen to you. It's absolutely my fault if people mistake obvious sarcasm.
    Nah, it's alright. If they are one of those people who just give crappy advice, I ignore them. It's true we have too many people who think they are the "best at graphics." I won't say any names, but they need to work on that. It's rather annoying to see someone who makes really crappy sigs give "great" criticism.

    As for the advice everyone, quit saying the same thing over. Only one person needs to say "left side is empty." I don't need everyone in here saying the same thing that's already said five hundred times over.

    Now that that's over with, anything else wrong with the sig?
  19. Mace

    Mace Old Tyme
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    i tried to make a sig with this pic.. but it made my eyes bleed.
    <3 fate stay night!

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