Wow, that looks really nice. The yellowish green glow works really well with your choice of armor. Really nice shot man.
Exactly what i was going to say....very great screen shot i love the green and the plants behind him lol nice job!
Looks to me like it's the 'radioactive' filter usage. It's a great screenshot and I have to agree I like the armour choice. Maybe you could call it 'Krypton' or 'Kryptonite', you know, from the Superman movies? The only thing I don't like with tis effect is that it drones out the rest of the picture leving a big, black area in the background, but maybe that's the beauty of it. Good job, 4/5 for the background though.
Wow good job! 4/5 Maybe a little better lighting, but other than that good job! Keep up the good work man
looks cool not great but its alright i guess 3/5 the effect is overused to much try something a little more different next time
Hey quick question..did you get that effect from a reginerator because i never knew that it could give it that well of a color. NIce screenei
Its nice but the past couple of pics you posted all have the same effect. You need to put something new to the table.
Must you constantly spam up threads it's really annoying and stop reviving them after 3 weeks it's against the rules. this thread will be locked soon. I've already commented on the picture so i don't need to review it.