hey everyone I'm just wondering if any-one knows any good mongoose tricks if so please explain them very well. The one That i really want to know is how people do back flips without brute shots or a off angle jump! I would really like to know this can you guys and gals please help me! If your not sure what i want to know here it is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYpb36f0ioA
Please stop making your post vibrant colors, and in this case 3 font bold. Its rather annoying, and you can easily make threads without the nuisance. Onto this though. Its quite self-explanatory, I'm skeptical on how you can't figure this out. When you have enough momentum, just have your passenger shoot his brute shot on the left or right side of your mongoose, depending which way you want to go. You can also use Rocket Launchers, and grenades. But as long as you shoot them from a fair distance that it won't kill you, but launch you the way you want.
I may not be explaining very well but I'll try... Ghost town. there are 2 mongooses. the one you need is near the tube looking cave area. got it? well if you jump on it and drive straight (basicly) you can wallride smoothly over toward the rochet spawn... Piontless but I did it one time and it was fun. lol
without bruteshots/outside forces it would be inpossible to do a backflip,because of the games physics
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2N4FJpD-NM TEX made this montage for me a few months ago. basically mongoose tricks are done buy ramping off objects/rock or hitting things on the side while in the air. Enjoy P.S. i did a backflip 360 in it so yes it is possible its 50% luck 49% technique 1% Vice
Everyone there is a way to do this with two people on the mongoose the passenger does something but idk what he does can you guys spot or explain what he is doing? here is the video:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uYpb36f0ioA
For those angled jumps you will need two different angles. In the first one you get your height and the second one gives you your flip. It doesn't come out good on paper but it works lol.
No did you see the video...the part where there are two people on the mongoose they go off a good ramp but then the passenger melee's or something which makes them flip. How does this happen?
Sometimes if you mele the where the tire touches the ground it somtimes rolls the Mongoose over onto its side. If you coupled this with jumping off a ramp, or while in the air.... it could possible flip/roll you. I guess.