hello forge hub! Well, truthfully my username thundermuffin was a joke, set up by grif... im not sure if hes really going to change it. Well my real name is Earl, i live in Texas, and im 16, and... i guess i joined forgehub for the lulz... well that was grif talking, he told me to type lulz. he says hes "ahead of the game". Well, im not a huge halo player, so, i guess the real truth is because i was curious about the off topic section... haha. So, I play lacrosse, wrestle, and run xcountry, and i play games like mirrors edge, tomb raider, assasin's creed, and splinter cell. and occasionally ill play call of duty, and war/shooting games... So thats me, and im excited to be apart of forgehube!
Yeah Grif is the shiz on this site =D Coolest guy around... I wouldn't be too excited about Off-Topic though, it's getting watched now.
yeah,what hazza said they are cracking down on the spam there now theres only one place to spam its this thread: wait wait what the hell? the post party is closed! well anyway welcome to spam free forgehub enjoy your stay!
You would have thought I was sucking up there huh? Wrong lolz... notice those elipses :squirrel_evil: Mwuhaha!
hello hello, my name is defiler and im new to the forge hub im currently working on a map and i hope sometime i can share it with everyone after i know i did a good job on it.
Make your're own thread to post this... not in sombody's thread. Anyway welcome to forgehub, and good luck with the off topic section, its pretty much forgehubs Ghetto
Hi and welcome to ForgeHub. I have two pieces of advice for you here. 1. Stay on the Staff's good side. 2. Don't bother trying to argue with them. They can't see passed their own noses. So at ForgeHub, they are always right.