This is my first time hosting, and I've been sitting in the lobby for a half hour now sending out invites to those that are on the FH TGIF 2 list. There is only ten people on it. Most of them are not on halo, and those that are are other hosts. The FH TGIF 1 list is full, and I can't get on it. How ironic is that? So i went on the signup thread and invited a whole bunch of people on it, but all of them are not coming. Wtf. Idk what I'm supposed to do. That's why. I'm still waiting in the party with you, waiting....waiting.
Hey ppls. Don't send frs to the TGIF tags if you are not going to be there. If you are on the first one, send a fr to the second one and remove yourself from the first one. This is srs bsns.
I reckon the new format for TGIF party times is fail. Hosting whenever the hosts schedule it? WTF? Should have kept it to a set time for all. Worked out far easier and more people actually played.
I tried to join parties in the TGIF 2 and 3 lists, but all were full in the times 4 and 6-10 PM Pacific. That was rather uncool. Not a single one opened. Ever.
Sometimes hosting TGIF can be a long and boring process of sending out invites. I however never had that problem and I hosted TGIF two times already to much success. I would have hosted this weeks TGIF when they asked me to but, I was on Christmas vacation with my family and unable to connect to live. If nobody joined my game within an hour of time I would probably just end my party and merge my party with another TGIF host. I would hope that later I will be able to find more people who wants to play so I can host a TGIF.
I'll try and join. Actually, it's probably too late. You should have messaged one of the other hosts and got them to get some of the people in their party to go into your party.
Im so confused...I sent a friend request to FH TGIF for two weeks im still waiting for it to be accepted so i can get invited by a host to their TGIF game.
You don't get your request accepted. When the friend request is pending, click on the FH TGIF 2 name and bring up its friends list to find the hosts.