Description (note: this is not about me): THE TRUE STORY: My Grandpa really did tell me this story when I was 15. We were driving through the painted desert of Arizona and at the time I was so inspired by the beauty of the landscape that I totally bought into everything he said. It took about a day or so until I realized that I was punked, but because of that, the story stuck in my mind. Instead of leaping to the tallest trees, he said that the tribe would hike up to the tallest mountains, but I changed it up a little for the video just to add in some of my own stupid humor. It's a different kind of comedy, but I had to share the story. Plus, it was an interesting video concept and I was up for a little self challenge. This one was just another parody of my real life : ) [youtube][/youtube] I hope you get it.
I laughed a little bit at the end. I dug the flute thing though. Overall, I'm giving this only 41 thumbs up.
No. I'm subscriped to hims. He's smpfilms, Mr. Safety, Cory (all names he goes by, but smpfilms is his channel. He runs multiple YT gatherings, but runs a funny video 40% of the time.