This is just something I've encountered in my life, and it may just be subjective, but what I have found is that as a person or group tries to become more professional, despite the fact that it is unnecessary, they often go overboard. This act of going overboard then only serves to make them seem like total assholes, and not professionals. Agree/disagree?
Hmm whisper it kinda sounds like you are saying: "The people at forgehub take things too seriously. They try to act all professional, but they don't need to be." IMO to run a website you need to have set rules and act like you are running a business. People have money invested here, so there needs to be professional rules. There is no point in running an entire site like OT. And if that is not what you are referring too, than I dunno. I can't really agree with you.
All I'm saying is that people who are one hundred percent professional in life either don't succeed or they look back on their life and regret not ****ing around.
There are two factors to "professionality" as you put it: seriousness and your position in a hierarchy such as Forgehub. A high position in any hierarchy or rank system requires a bit of professionality, in order to manage a community or group of people. That is the control - something that rarely changes. You almost never see a goofy, unprofessional site admin on a website so prosporous such as Forgehub. The variable, which does change, is an individual's seriousness. I am a very serious person. I enjoy being organized (And trust me, if you've seen my latest map, you know what I mean). This is what can often make people rub off as rude or an "asshole", instead of unprofessional. It is a personal trait, this seriousness, and can affect how others look at you the same way as any other personal trait.
I **** around a lot. I've learned not to do it around girls though. That is, if you are not referring to the actual meaning of the f word.