31,000 is an incredibly small minority. We're not talking 30% of climatologists, we're talking 10%. Please read this wiki article. It just shows the amount of scientists and institutions that agree that HM Global Warming is real. Edit: I was just reading that article you posted. Only 0.2C in 60 years? Considering we are talking about the temperature 0.18C in the last 300. A simple proportion shows that during 20% of that 300 year period (60 years), if the climate grew by 0.2C every 60 years we end up with 0.10C. It is still of our goal but we need to consider that not all pollution is alike. The clean air act and anti-pollution bills that have been passed by congress in recent decades has dropped our amount of emissions. I say that the temperature rise in the past 60 years is dead on target with what we would expect. Great Britain was covered with soot 200 years ago, now it is cleaner due to government action. Edit 2: Notice how it says "scientists" not "climatologists." I don't think a physics major should be telling me what to believe about climate when 90% of climatologists say otherwise. Edit 3: A tad bit biased, eh? "Liberals have been spinning this story like crazy." Very inappropriate for an article regarding scientific matters. I'd say the person behind the site either has an agenda or is a die-hard conservative. Which, there is nothing wrong with that but it does strip credibility from you when you take sides, politically, over a scientific debate.
This is slightly ignorant. Wether we are actually causing it may be debatable, but are we helping our cause? No. So your saying that we should keep driving cars and suing electircity, as normal? Have you forgotten another FACT, that we are quickly running out of fossil fuels? Whether you think we are causing Global Warming or not, the fact is we have to stop using our resouces as much as we are. Edit - I am refering to the general topic, not the last post.
The main reason we have global warming is because of cars we should switch to electric based cars and help the environment!
We may be running out of fossil fuels but we still have quite a lot left, and are actually still finding new spots for drilling. It would not be that hard for governments, power companies, etc. to introduce an electric car, considering they are already in China and other countries around the world. Here's a solar car that is being sold in China - and the reasons why it's not being sold in America. It's all about money, if there is a cheap electric car on the market then oil companies would lose the billions they are making right now. Global warming is blown out of proportion by environmentalists and radicals. The government, electric companies, millionaires - they aren't doing anything that will stop global warming and save the planet, why not? USA, with it's billions of dollars and people - it's a powerful country, then why don't they help stop global warming, why don't they help stop our planet from dieing? Global warming, if it is upon us, is not made by humans. There is no solid evidence that directly proves we contribute to global warming. Over the past 150 years, scientists have found that global temperatures have been predicted with 79 percent accuracy by the sunspot index, which precedes climate changes by about 10 years. CO2, by comparison, has been only 22 percent accurate, and that number has rapidly declined in the past decade as temperatures have dipped and CO2 has continued to rise. The climate changes because of numerous factors. I mention before that we occupy such little land mass, and that about 70% of the earth is covered in water. These massive oceans help clean the atmosphere (as do the forests). Cold water that becomes dense and salty sinks to the bottom of the world's ocean basins and slowly migrates toward the equator, taking carbon dioxide from the atmosphere with it. I even read in a school textbook that there isn't any direct evidence to prove humans contribute to global warming. Most people don't even quite understand what global warming is, but they still believe it and stress that the world is in danger. This is because they believe everything they see in movies and on the T.V. They are brainwashed by what they see on T.V., magazines, the media. I told one of my classmates that I don't believe HM global warming. He said, "Why not!? Glaciers are melting!". That is the only fact he had, glaciers are melting. One last thing, climatologist are scientist. As climatology is the science that deals with the phenomena of climates or climatic conditions, and a scientist is a person having expert knowledge of one or more sciences.
Interesting report that shows more Than 650 International Scientists Dissent Over Man-Made Global Warming Claims. .: U.S. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works :: Minority Page :. A few quotes from the scientists:
Climatologists are scientists, but scientists are not necessarily climatologists. "Scientist" is a general term for someone who is very knowledgeable in the sciences, much like a "doctor" is a general term for a medical practitioner. A scientist can have expert knowledge outside their field, but that does not mean they all do. Nitrous' point is that these "scientists" you mentioned may not have the right knowledge about climate to make a prediction. While global warming is natural, that doesn't mean that we don't contribute at all. What do you think all the smoke from our cars and factories is doing? Nothing? Global warming is happening. It isn't caused by humans, but we do contribute and it is there. What we put into it may not be much compared to the scale it occurs at naturally, but we do contribute. Chinese Company Unveils Solar-Powered Car for $5,560 : Gas 2.0 That article you gave sounded pretty biased. Here is another one with some comments on it. One makes a point: how do you know that car isn't subsidized? That car is awfully cheap to be cutting-edge technology.
So your argument against mine and fiery's facts, quotes, and sources we offered is: Where is the CO2 from our cars and factories going? Did you even read all we wrote? We occupy such little land mass and the oceans and forests are always cleaning our atmosphere. “Even doubling or tripling the amount of carbon dioxide will virtually have little impact, as water vapour and water condensed on particles as clouds dominate the worldwide scene and always will.” – . Geoffrey G. Duffy, a professor in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering of the University of Auckland, NZ. There is no solid or direct evidence that we contribute to global warming, global warming is just blown up by environmentalists and radicals, by people who are brainwashed by the media. There is no global warming, and if there is, it's not man-made and it's not going to endanger us. Also, about the scientists, what I was really trying to say it just because a scientist is not a climatologist doesn't mean he doesn't know what he's talking about - you can't disregard/ undermine him and say his opinion and facts he presents doesn't mean anything. And that one solar car I showed is just one car. There are many different electric powered cars around the world. They can be made and sold here but like I mentioned in my last post, if you would read them, is they are not being sold becaue of multiple other reasons, mainly financial reasons. Electric cars though, are very possible and are not just a dream or something out of our reach.
So you're saying people haven't died by smog? Fish haven't been killed by the massive amount of CO2 dissolved into our oceans?
Heres some more things blamed on Global Warming: FOXNews.com - No Matter What Happens, Someone Will Blame Global Warming - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News 1. Cannibalism In April, media mogul Ted Turner told PBS's Charlie Rose that global warming would make the world 8 degrees hotter in 30 or 40 years. "Civilization will have broken down. The few people left will be living in a failed state, like Somalia or Sudan, and living conditions will be intolerable," he said. Turner blamed global warming on overpopulation, saying "too many people are using too much stuff." Crops won't grow and "most of the people will have died and the rest of us will be cannibals," Turner said. 2. The Death of the Loch Ness Monster In February, Scotland's Daily Mirror reported that 85-year-old American Robert Rines would be giving up his quest for Scotland's most famous underwater denizen. A World War II veteran, Rines has spent 37 years hunting for Nessie with sonar equipment. In 2008, "despite having hundreds of sonar contacts over the years, the trail has since gone cold and Rines believes that Nessie may be dead, a victim of global warming." 3. Beer Gets More Expensive In April, the Associated Press reported that global warming was going to hit beer drinkers in the wallet because the cost of barley would increase, driving up the price of a pint. Jim Salinger, a climate scientist at New Zealand's National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research, said Australia would be particularly hard hit as droughts caused a decline in malting barley production in parts of New Zealand and Australia. "It will mean either there will be pubs without beer or the cost of beer will go up," Salinger said at a beer brewer's convention, the AP reported. 4. Pythons Take Over America Giant Burmese pythons – big enough to eat alligators and deer in a single mouthful – will be capable of living in one-third of continental U.S. as global warming makes more of the country hospitable to the cold-blooded predators, according to an April report from USAToday.com. The U.S. Geological Survey and the Fish and Wildlife Service investigated the spread of "invasive snakes," like the pythons, brought to the U.S. as pets. The Burmese pythons' potential American habitat would expand by 2100, according to global warming models, the paper reported. "We were surprised by the map. It was bigger than we thought it was going to be," says Gordon Rodda, zoologist and lead project researcher, told USAToday.com. "They are moving northward, there's no question." 5. Kidney Stones A University of Texas study said global warming will cause an increase in kidney stones over the next 30 years, the Globe and Mail reported in July. Scientists predict that higher temperatures will lead to more dehydration and therefore to more kidney stones. "This will come and get you in your home," said Dr. Tom Brikowski, lead researcher and an associate professor at the University of Texas at Dallas. "It will make life just uncomfortable enough that maybe people will slow down and think what they're doing to the climate." 6. Skinny Whales Japanese scientists, who have claimed that the country's controversial whaling program is all in the name of science, said in August that if they hadn't been going around killing whales, they never would have discovered that the creatures were significantly skinnier than whales killed in the late 1980s, the Guardian reported in August. The researchers said the study was the first evidence that global warming was harming whales by restricting their food supplies. As water warmed around the Antarctic Peninsula, the krill population shrank by 80 percent as sea ice declined, eliminating much of the preferred food of the minke whale. The whales studied had lost the same amount of blubber as they would have by starving for 36 days, but the global warming connection couldn't be proven because no krill measurements are taken in different regions. 7. Shark Attacks A surge in fatal shark attacks was the handiwork of global warming, according to a report in the Guardian in May. George Burgess of Florida University, a shark expert that maintains an attack database, told the Guardian that shark attacks were caused by human activity. "As the population continues to rise, so does the number of people in the water for recreation. And as long as we have an increase in human hours in the water, we will have an increase in shark bites," he said. Shark attacks could also be the result of global warming and rising sea temperatures, the Guardian said. "You'll find that some species will begin to appear in places they didn't in the past with some regularity," Burgess said. 8. Black Hawk Down Although it happened in 1993, the crash of a U.S. military helicopter in Mogadishu that became the film "Black Hawk Down" was blamed on global warming by a Massachusetts congressman in 2008. "In Somalia back in 1993, climate change, according to 11 three- and four-star generals, resulted in a drought which led to famine,” Rep. Edward Markey told a group of students who had come to the Capitol to discuss global warming, according to CNSNews.com. "That famine translated to international aid we sent in to Somalia, which then led to the U.S. having to send in forces to separate all the groups that were fighting over the aid, which led to Black Hawk Down." 9. Frozen Penguin Babies Penguin babies, whose water-repellant feathers had not grown in yet, froze to death after torrential rains, National Geographic reported in July. "Many, many, many of them—thousands of them—were dying," explorer Jon Bowermaster told National Geographic. Witnessing the mass penguin death "painted a clear and grim picture" of global warming. "It's not just melting ice," Bowermaster said. "It's actually killing these cute little birds that are so popular in the movies." 10. Killer Stingray Invasion Global warming is going to drive killer stingrays, like the one that killed Crocodile Hunter Steve Irwin, to the shores of Britain after a 5-foot -long marbled stingray was captured by fishermen, the Daily Mail reported in June. A single touch can zap a man with enough electricity to kill, the Mail said, and global warming is bringing the Mediterranean killers north. "Rising sea temperatures may well have brought an influx of warm water visitors," sea life curator Alex Gerrard told the Mail. "Where there's one electric ray, it's quite likely that there are more." __________________
First off, how many people do you know that died because of smog? Compare that to people who die of smoking, car crashes, etc. There are still plenty of fish in our oceans and most fish are actually dieing because they are being placed in small, cramped "fish farms" which is a drastic change to their environment and an unhealthy place for a fish to live and grow. Second, what you said isn't directly related to global warming or climate change. Humans do not cause global warming - the multiple reasons and quotes by experts have already been posted. The oceans don't dissolve the CO2 and and CO2 doesn't stay there for ever - the oceans take the CO2 to the equator and to the bottom of the ocean - into the ground.
1) Antarctic Oceans Absorbing Less CO2, Experts Say; Large amounts of deforestation in less developed nations also doesn't help. 2) True about the media. But there is global warming, and how do you know that it won't hurt us? 3) It's not undermining the scientists; the point is, who would you rather trust for information on climate change? A climatologist, or a scientist whose field may not even include earth sciences? 4) Yes, American auto-makers are not as willing as other nations to try alternatives. I wasn't trying to oppose you there; I'm just saying that the car seemed really cheap. w/e i guess =P
I don't know any people that have died of smog. Scientists predict an 80% increase in the deaths by smog in the next 20 years. We're not talking about smoking and car crashes, were talking about whether global warming is man-made or natural. See, there you go with your opinions again. I don't believe the cause of global warming has been proven. But according to you, CO2 doesn't affect our atmosphere at all? In 2002 there was an estimate of 531 million oil-running cars on Earth. The average car lets out 22 pounds of CO2 daily, now do the math. So I suppose all that CO2, and the left overs from 100s of years ago is benefiting our environment? And the CO2 isn't trapping the suns solar heat rays, creating greenhouse gasses?
@Fiery - Why don't you go take a shower or something. @Twin - Where do you get your information? The earth is cooling? Says who?
And how about all of the asthma increases in children over the pass years. 20 years ago 1 student out of a whole classroom would have asthma. Now around 30-50% of every classroom has asthma. This does not tell you guys anything?
It's not opinion - I've posted facts, quotes, links, etc. (and so have others) that suggests global warming does not exists, and I stand by those words. I took the following piece of information from here. [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Hyperventilation the true cause of asthma[/FONT] Over time chronic over-breathing results in an above normal loss of carbon dioxide—a gas commonly believed to be a “waste gas.” However, in reality carbon dioxide is a precious gas required for the critical regulation of many bodily functions. For example, a certain amount of carbon dioxide is needed in order to maintain the body’s ability to access oxygen. If carbon dioxide levels are too low, oxygen is not released to the tissues. Asthmatics have low levels of carbon dioxide due to chronic over-breathing. When we breathe out carbon dioxide faster than our body can produce it, our level drops. When a “trigger ” is encountered, asthmatics breathe even more, leading to a sudden drop in carbon dioxide. If our level drops too low, we will no longer be able to access our oxygen and eventually our cells will die. We can continue arguing here about how global warming exists or how it doesn't, the only proof is time. And nobody can tell me what the climate will be 100 years from now because there are way too many variables that control the climate to predict it, especially 100 years from now. I konw your not going to change your mind and im not going to change mine. Both sides have good points but it all comes down to your conscience and your outlook on certain principles. This debate will never end until maybe 100 years from now which will give global warming to either prove itself right, or prove itself wrong. Edit: Just one last thing. @Nitrous - "Why don't you go take a shower or something." this just says you have nothing to counter his actual statments and quotes. "Where do you get your information?" I've posted several links actually and even added my own explanations.
Alright, but that doesn't mean we need excessive amounts of CO2. We don't need the estimated 2025 billion pounds of Carbon Dioxide in our atmosphere to help us breathing? But you're right. No one can come to a conclusion on what the cause is, but I say **** it and start helping it. Rather then finding the cause lets prevent the effects.
Ya but not all environmental problems are linked to CO2 emission - there are hundreds of other variables. Anyways, I think I'm done debating this is never going to end and no one here is changing their minds (although it is fun debating, this thread is getting too long).
Personally, I don't believe in global warming either, but what's wrong with playing it safe and turning off our water when we brush our teeth, ect? God gave us this planet to use, not abuse
This is my problem with the global warming debates. It has been split down the middle and each side has taken a half and twisted it their own way. Political supporters for global warming call it doomsday, while political dissenters call it a conspiracy and when you reach the point where you are no longer debating science but a conspiracy theorist; their minds can not be changed. I wish you the best twin, but your sources are, in fact biased, it does not take a keen eye to find it either. Find an online peer-review journal that supports your claim and I will be more keen to listen, until then, I feel can not continue with the shenanigans.
We were responsible for all those holes in the ozone layer (CFCs from fridges and aerosols), so odds are we're probably responsible for this, too. Nothing wrong with renewable energy, anyway. The coal will run out soon...