Name:: Vengeance 3.2 Description:: The Conflict continues in Kon's 4 base arena. Plays MLG TS, CTF, KOTH, Ball, Assault, & FFA. 4-8 players Author:: Kon Artist Map Layout:: 4 room bases (Red, Blue, Yellow, Green) Map Size:: 4-8 players Map Variations:: MLG settings Game types:: TS, CTF, KOTH, Ball, Assault, FFA Weapons:: 6 Battle Rifles (1. rifle top each base), 4 Plasmas (2 under each side bridge) , 2 Carbines (top 'A' and 'B' block) 1 mauler (top center) 2.0 Changes:: Mauler added 2 more BR added 4 plasmas removed 4 door jumps added-- out side of base cover added top of open streets 'A' & 'B' signs added side boxes Back of green redone, fix back wall glitch Back wall redone, to save $$$ 3.0 Changes:: Reworked sides, center como added top center 2 aulers added on sides, center mauler removed Spawns and Objective goals TS- - starting spawns are top Red and top Blue, and all spawn points are neutral CTF— starting spawns are top Red and top Blue. Flag at home.-- spawn area is 15 x 15 units = able to spawn in your base (top and bottom) and sides. Flag spawns back corner of Red and Blue. KOTH— starting spawns are top Red and top Blue. All spawns are neutral. There are 4 hill locations, in order. 1) Bottom center. 2) top yellow. 3) bottom center. 4) top Green. Assault- starting spawns are top Red and top Blue. Flag at home.-- spawn area is 15 x 15 units = able to spawn in your base (top and bottom) and sides. Bomb spawns bottom center. Bomb plant areas is bottom Red and Blue base. Ball— starting spawns are top Red and top Blue. All spawns are neutral. The ball spawns Bottom center. FFA— Starting spawns are scattered throughout the map. All spawns are neutral. Overview Bottom Center Side Red Base, front Red Base, top Red Base, bottom Click Here to Download Thanks to John and Damon for keeping me company.
dang man, when i saw your name there i flipped, and like all others from you, this doesnt look to dissapoint. i love the ramp ups youve made, and i know how difficult they are. i suggest you using the fence wall to push them in, and they can be placed however deep you feel, the ground being the only goal to meet, then stopping there. i have 5 of those ramps in my next map, 2 being single boxes, and this method really works, moreso for the double boxes. (just since i see youve made these difficult geomerges i thought id give advice for doing it next time, if you dont already.) talk to TSB, he'll vouge for the claim. we'll back to the map, i really like the layout and i love how everything is geomerged, and on top of that everything is geomerged quite excelently. ill come back later with my gameplay review, but so far this looks real nice.
this looks like a pretty good mlg map but i think it needs a little more cover. Its got good aesthetics and methinks it will generate very interesting gameplay... 4.5/5
cover is not THAT important. all of bungies maps have open areas. look at last resort, ALOT of open areas, and the gameplay is great on it. this cover deal is really over rated. its not crucial people, infact it helps.
This is truly a greatly forged map. Excellent geomerging and interlocking used very well. The whole layout is original and outstanding. Looks like a great play.
It does look pretty good, and the geomerging and interlocking is glorious, especially the Double Box ramps, however I am not seeing anything that stands out, and makes me want to Dl, but I will anyway, b/c ur a premium (LOL JK) I was actually wanting too because it looks good, so I will have to see...
I like it, not your best map though but I kinda like it. You did a very good job interlocking those bridges and slant merging those double boxes. IMO, Conflict is still your best work. All your maps do look familiar in a way. They kinda give the same gameplay feel except Impact, which is unique. Your map kinda lacks something.....hmmm....I think that some spaces might need more cover. Also it looks very fast-paced that you could see the enemy right away. Good job.
{Why only 4 pics?} Wow, some amazing merging once again, however, i wish you would stick some of your amazing ideas and forging into two-base MLG maps, since i don't see MLG picking up a four-base map. But, the map looks amazing and i can't wait to check it out. Qued.
WHOA!!! Beautiful geomerging and interlocking followed by forgegasmic gameplay. Congratz cuz this is one of the better maps i have ever played on. awesome job brah. 5.000011/5
2.0 Changes:: Mauler added 2 more BR added 4 plasmas removed 4 door jumps added-- out side of base cover added top of open streets 'A' & 'B' signs added side boxes Back of green redone, fix back wall glitch Back wall redone, to save $$$
Nice Map. . . I just played this map today with you, and as I promised, I am reviewing the map. IT'S EVEN COLOR-CODED! Merging: Amazing. Little amount of bumps. Layout: Very good. The map flows well. Bases are nicely connected. Overall Gameplay: Awesome. There's always action going on. No camping. Individual Gametype Reviews and Ratings: MLG Team Slayer (v5): Pros: -Lots of action. -Hard to camp. Cons: -Player + Middle of Map = Dead. Summary: Fun and flowing. There is always action. It's hard to walk through the middle of the map without dying. Rating: 4/5 MLG CTF Ons: Pros: -Fast paced. -Quick thinking required. -FUN. -Good spawning. Cons: -None that I can think of. Summary: Very fun. My favorite of all the gametypes I played. Fast, flowing, good spawns. Rating: 5/5 MLG Ball (v5): Pros: -Teams are always competing for the ball. -Back and forth possessions of the ball. Cons: -Bad spawns. -Lots of spawn killing. Summary: I played TS, CTF, and this. This was my least-favorite gametype. Normally you die right when you spawn. It seemed like I always spawned under the side bridges and someone was always above me who killed me. Maybe make it so you spawn on top of the side bridges? Rating: 3.5/5 Overall Map Review: Pros: -Fast. -Fun with most gametypes. -Good layout. -Great merging. -Smooth. -Flowing. Cons: -Bad spawns on some gametypes. -Middle + Player = Deathtrap. Overall Rating: 4.5/5 -Snipermaster95
I like the 4 base idea. Everything looks very good. Interlocking looks smooth. All in all a very well executed map.
This is by far one of my favorite foundry maps. All the game types play great, also I think this is the best FFA map to play on. Great job Kon!
3.0 Changes:: Reworked sides, center como added top center 2 aulers added on sides, center mauler removed there are some major changes done to the map, the layout is the same, but new center, and side walk ways. Pic have been updated.