JellyBean Inc.

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Conkerkid11, Dec 7, 2008.

  1. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    "Remember To Tell Me What To Add And What To Fix. A Version 2 Can Be Made."-Conkerkid11


    Description: Everybody has heard of Omega Journey and Hobo Heights right? Well I am here today to bring you something different. Something, HUGE! That's right, today, I bring to you... JellyBean Inc.!

    JellyBean Inc is my brand new Infection map that will cause you to get frustrated. You will laugh, and you will have the BEST time of your life!

    But enough of me bragging, let's get to the map!

    JellyBean Inc. starts you off in a JellyBean Factory. Your goal as the human is to reach the end, and discover the true powers of "Captain Red Bean." We will uncover more about him later. Anyways, here you are, stuck up in a fence box with only a bridge of pallets to lead your way when all of a sudden a huge explosion destroys most of the factory (Including the bridge). I will go into further detail on the explosion later.

    As I have said earlier, your goal is to reach the end, here is where Omega Journy kicks in. Run alongside your teamates past the pallet bridge, over the boxes, past the (what I call) Downcurvesnipecannonland, alongside the 2 inch ledge, down the ramp of doom, past the brute shot booms, through the portal, outside the level, and finaly... the end.

    The end of this level is a very special end, it is not a base with a turret. It is not an armory, it is not an instant death. It does not start you off at the begining. However, it gives you Red Bean's powers. Once you snatch Red Bean's powers (Custom Powerup), you get teleported back inside Foundry.. except this time, it's personal. After beating all the challenges that this map has to offer, you finaly have the ability to kill the zombies. Survive as long as possible, and get as many kills possible.

    Oh, and did I mention that all this is suspended up in the air, so if you fall. The zombies will be at the bottom to break your fall. Then kill you of course.

    Goal: The goal is simple, the Zombies attempt to shoot the Humans down with their Spartan Lazers.

    The Humans try not to fall, and continue running through the very hard obstacle course.

    The Humans that do make it through will teleport back inside Foundry with a 90 second powerup that allows them to kill the Zombies with no trouble.

    The Humans that are now powered by The Red Bean can choose any of the many structures now full complete around the map. The main structure, however. Is the best bet because it supplies the most cover, while giving the player a Flamethrower.

    Story: Now gather around boys and girls, and listen up, I have... a story to tell.

    The year is 2013, November 5th. The weather outside is chilly, but nevermind the weather, this takes place inside a nice warm room. The President and Vice President of the company "JellyBean Inc." was wandering around one day on their very complicated looking pathway when all of a sudden they were teleported outside, yes, that's right, outside... in the very chilly weather! Anyhow, besides the cold weather there was also a yellow ball on the other side of these strangely placed fence walls. So on they hopped, accross each and every fence wall untill they came upon the powerup.

    This is where our story ends, for you know the rest. The yellow powerup caused these two leaders to go mad with power, but only one could be the true leader. The Vice President pushed the President off of the fence wall right into the death barrier. The President was dead and nothing could stand in the Vice President's way. The disease spread to many workers at the factory and turned them into Jelly beans. Each one a different flavor, but some of the workers survived. You are those survivors, good luck!


    Weapon List:

    6 x Battle Rifles
    4 x Shotguns
    6 x Sniper Rifles
    6 x Brute Shots
    3 x Rocket Launchers
    1 x Gravity Hammer
    3 x Machine Gun Turrets
    1 x Flamethrower

    Equipment List:

    3 x Trip Mines
    1 x Custom Powerup

    Vehicle List:

    3 x Warthogs
    3 x Mongooses

    Zombie Traits:

    300% Damage Resistance
    2x Overshield Multiplier
    Primary Weapon-Spartan Laser
    Secondary Weapon-Energy Sword
    Grenade Count-None
    Infinite Ammo-Enabled
    125% Player Speed
    150% Player Gravity
    Forced Color-Pink

    Human Traits:

    500% Damage Resistance
    2x Overshield Shield Multiplier
    110% Shield Recharge Rate
    Primary Weapon-Plasma Pistol
    Secondary Weapon-None
    Grenade Count-None
    Infinite Ammo-Enabled
    Forced Color-White

    Custom Power Up Traits (Power Of The Red Bean!)

    Duration-90 Seconds
    500% Damage Resistance
    3x Overshield Shield Multiplier
    110% Shield Recharge Rate
    200% Increased Damage
    200% Player Speed
    200% Player Gravity
    Forced Color-Red

    I have seen confusion going around about these pictures, so just let me make this clear... I don't know why the pictures look confusing unless you tell me. So in this case, all I can say is that each picture has different objects in it because each item spawns at a different time to prevent the Humans from just "Running Through" the challenges to fast.

    I'm not saying that the challenges are easy. I'm saying that the game wouldn't be long enough if the Humans didn't have a challenge, therefore, they have to hold off at some of their bases and dodge splazer fire.

    If you don't understand what I am saying, then look at picture one. That is an overview of the end. Yes, you can see Captain Red Bean's head above that bridge...

    These bases that you see Captain Red Bean standing on, and the ones to the left and the right spawn near the end (well the ones to the left and right spawn sooner...). They do this so that IF you make it through every challenge. IF you acquire the powers of Captain Red Bean...

    Now for the confusing part...
    You teleport back to the start (Zombies have to think about how they can possibly get back to the start if there is no teleporter for them... HINT:Read the captions in the pictures dummy...), and hold of the zombies in these bases.


    Zombie Spawn (Left Side)(Same As Right Side)

    Human Spawn

    First Challenge

    Second Challenge

    Second Challenge (Continued)

    Third Challenge

    Third Challenge (Overview)

    Third Challenge (Overview, Part 2)

    Fourth Challenge

    Armory (Not A Real Armory, Reminds You Of What Weapons You Have Previously Picked Up)

    Entry To Fifth Challenge: Human Teleporter in Front, Zombie Teleporter in Back

    Zombie Entry (Opens Later)

    Fifth Challenge (Human Teleporter On Top, Zombie Teleporter Below Human Teleporter)

    End/Red Bean, Zombie Kills Self Only To Find Humans Have Taken Over The Starting Base and Have Created Structures To Hold Off The Zombies At


    No Staying At The Starting Point For You!

    I Eat Gravity Lifts For Breakfast!

    Good Thing That Jelly Beans Aren't Fire Resistant

    What? Leaving So Soon? Why? Don't You Want To Hear Me Sing?


    Clearing Some Confusion Up: Okay, so... by now you're probably like "Whoa, dude. I have to download this map now!" But first you need to read this!

    The Zombies are Jelly Beans, the Humans are just humans.

    The Zombies get Lazers Splazers, and Swords so that the humans actually DIE when they fall down.

    The Humans can survive 3 Lazer shots before they die.

    The Armory will give the Humans no advantange, and is just a review of all the weapons we have previously stumbled upon.

    The map is not empty, parts of the map spawn at different times. Please read the post before saying anything about emptyness. The key is to not fall...

    And this will be the section that I will post more random answers to the questions y'all ask me.

    Q & A: Questions and Answers

    Q:Your map is kind of empty.
    A:Well that is not a question, but The map is not empty, parts of the map spawn at different times. Please read the post before saying anything about emptyness.

    Q:How many zombies start?
    A:Cool, a question! One zombie starts.

    Q:What is a "Challenge?"
    A:The part of the map like Omega Journey where the Humans have to suceed at a certain task in order to progress any farther.

    Q:What weapon do you start off with?
    A:Although this is answered in the thread, Zombies start off with a Spartan Lazer and an Energy Sword. Humans start off with a Plasma Pistol.

    Q:Is this a Fat Kid map?
    A:No, and if you would just learn to read the post that I spent a VERY long time on and am still adding more to it. No, this is not a Fat Kid map, and if you would just look, I have all the information on what the Gametype includes in it (Traits, colors, starting weapons, etc..). So NO, this isn't a Fat Kid map, and personally... I hate Fat Kid maps.

    Q:I don't get the pictures!!!
    A:Back to non-questions eh? Well am I supposed to guese why you don't get the pictures or something? Please tell me why, and I will answer this... eh.. Not-Question. For now, I would recomend reading the entire post, because their is now a description of the pictures hopefuly allowing you to "Get" the pictures.

    Q:That picture of the outside area of the map, I don't get it!
    A:Really? I swear that I just answered.. oh! That one, here, let me explain. From the picture you see the teleporter right? Well that teleporter is where the Humans come from, and from their they have to hop along the fence walls, while shooting the crates down (You may see room to get around the crate, but that is a barrier of death, and like all barriers of death if you touch it... you die), while dodging Zombie lazers. What I mean by the Zombies on bottom, is that a picture not included in this thread due to me posting more then 20 includes a teleporter located right below this one, on the ground floor. The zombies have to way to get up to the Humans. They just have to try and lazer them to death.

    Special Thanks To:

    Zak Attack 7501 & Weaponbunny for trying to help test it as best you could.

    Hazza, Doog Nit, & Dr. Chombie for helping me with my pictures, I got it on my first try this time!

    ForgeHub Community for helping me think of ideas, and teaching me how to Geo-Merge, Interlock, and supply me with better maps then any other Halo 3 website.

    Tips Appreciated!
    Please Comment, Download, Play, Then Rate!
    #1 Conkerkid11, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 11, 2008
  2. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Sorry about this, don't know if it is against the rules for me to instantly reply to somebody who posted on my map. But really dude?

    Read the thread before you post, it specificaly says that the map is not empty, and just spawns things over time.

    Anyhow, the key is to not fall. There doesn't really need to be ANYTHING on the ground, but I was kind enough to put structures all over the place.

    The thing I hate the most is when somebody rates your map poorly withought even reading the thread, or perhaps also spells every other word wrong. Please read the full thread, THEN post.

    Questions answered near bottom of thread along with a new section called Q & A.

    Thank you for explaining to him, I like that some people actually read the thread I spent 4 hours making, and then what's up with the people who say like "5/5!" But don't actually rate it? Are they really that lazy? My map has one rating, but more then one post with a rating...

    I don't know what you mean by "Skirting." But you can't just walk around ANYTHING.
    Also, the weapons are there so that you can complete the challenges.

    Here are the weapons in their order of appearence:

    SNIPER RIFLE-Use to shoot the fusion coil of which blows up two more fusion coils which sooner or later, will blow up the gravity lift blocking the above tower. OPTIONAL: Use to blow up the gravity lifts blocking your path on the ledge in challenge two.

    SHOTGUN-Use to break the pallets located on the second challenge.

    BATTLE RIFLE-Use to break the gravity lifts located after the pallets on the second challenge.

    BRUTE SHOT-Use to blast through Crates and any other objects located along each challenge that get in your way.

    TRIP MINES-Use to toss down at the Zombies to A: Distract Them, or B: Kill Them.

    The rest of the weapons are for killing the Zombies after you have acquired the powers of "Red Bean."

    Well I'm very glad that you like the map! Thanks for the rating and all! But what is it that you don't get about the pictures? I'll never know. I did add a larger description above all the pictures under where it says "PICTURE SECTION" in big bold letters.

    Hope you found this helpfull! Also... really dude, why do people think this is a Fat Kid map?

    First of all dude, did you play by yourself? Because if you had experience with maps, you would realize that if you play Infection by yourself then you will be the Zombie, and if you read this thread. Zombies spawn on bottom.

    That is your fault that you cannot get past the most simple part of the map, tisk tisk... pallet bridge, really?

    And the first one what? All that is supposed to happen is you shoot the Fusion Coil and the Gravity Lift blows up. Nothing Else!

    Thanks for your post, for it is less negative then you think it is. It tells me that my map is actually challenging, and also to look out for you cuz you fail miserably. ALSO it tells me how horrible some people are at giving me tips on what to include in the next version, you know.. like telling me what the heck "and for some reason the first one not seem to respawn after that" means... you do fail.

    Provide me with more information on what is wrong and I will fix it.
    #2 Conkerkid11, Dec 7, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2008
  3. DEANM12

    DEANM12 Ancient
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    WOW lol. 4.5/5
    Because It was innovative but still not better than hobo heights. You should add little more description for challenges so we have a better understanding because at pic challenge I didn't really understand it. How many zombies start? What weapon do you start off with? Please anwser these questions.
  4. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Hey DEANM, you should really read the description, he tells you the questions in a large Q @ A. Please people read the threads, i have had this problem as well so read it before you comment. As for the map. You did a great job with the stratagy map, i really love these. As far as interlocking and the idea, 4.5/5. Real great job so keep on forging. =)

  5. joeyshofe

    joeyshofe Ancient
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    you are a complete dumb ASS its supposed to be empty at the start unlike you, i read. more objects spawn over time read before you post
  6. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    This'll be good until the noobs make noob gametypes for it. Then it'll just be another Fat Kid map...

    Anyway, I don't get some of the challenges. Most of them just seem to be "walk arpund the skirting and pick up weapons". Nice back story, though, and good idea. This should do well.
  7. ODST Maps

    ODST Maps Ancient

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    Well jellybean inc is a very well thought of map it's very original and i do not think this should be classified as another " Fat Kid Map "
    I think that the one thing you have to work on is the pictures i am sorry but the pictures really confused me but that's just my opinion well this map is a really good map and i will download it and play it for sure out of 10 i would say 10.
  8. Estmid

    Estmid Ancient
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    Great map. 5/5.
    1) Creative Idea, and executed well
    2) Interlocking excellent
    3) Clean map set-up
    4) Entertaining
    5) Gametype works

    I'll download and play later.
    Overall Great Job with the map and i hope you do more.
  9. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    I actually played the map, and I can tell you it functions horribly, I start spawning on the bottom, instead of at the top, and when I try to get past the pallets, I fail horribly. I've tried it from both ends, with a shotty and a brute shot, and nothing seems to work. I shoot the fusion coils on the grav lift platform, and for some reason the first one seem to not respawn after that, but still, this map isn't working for me. Why did you make the humans spawn on the bottom, and could you please give me a hint of how to get past the pallet part?

    Senior Member

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  11. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Somebody has recently rated this map lower then 4/5 stars and I would like to know who it was.

    You cannot just go around rating people's maps like that withought leaving a post. It is very anoying.

    You have NO REASON to rate it below 5 because accoording to the posts in the thread, there are no flaws to this map.

    If you would like to rate it below 5, then please post in the forum why you did, and what I could fix for that number to go back up to a 5.

    You are being very unhelpful in my mission to create a map that the Forgehub Community with both enjoy, and love.

    I hate you, and have created this post to explain what I want out of EVERYBODY here on Forgehub that posts in this thread.

    • What you like about the map
    • What you dislike about the map
    • Rating for the map out of 5
    • What I could change for it to be a 5
    • Anything else you want to add
    All I am asking from you guys is that I know what to put in v2.
  12. Carter C

    Carter C Guest

    Community Reviewers
    Reviewer: [I Carter I]
    Rank: [Master Reviewer]
    Map Review-

    Map Idea: 7.5/10
    Map Looks: 6/10 [neatly made, no largely aesthetic features though]
    Map Gameplay: 1/10
    Map Construction: 1/10
    Map Features: 6/10

    Comments: Hello there. I played this with high hopes, but was let down upon playing it. It didn't work! I played it with a 16-person party, so perhaps that was what broke the map, I'm not sure. But I played it with the gametype and everyone either started on the floor or fell quickly to the floor, and attacked the zombies, with no-one knowing what to do.
    So, I'd suggest you update the starting area of the map to make it clearer that the humans have to stay up there and together- perhaps by making it much larger and throwing in a couple of obstacles prior to the obstacles which can result in the humans falling down.
    Oh and I also don't understand the hold-out bases.

    Overall: 4.3/10

    This map was downloaded prior to being reviewed.
    ~ [I Carter I]
    Want another map reviewed? Want to become a reviewer? Message me.
  13. Darkdragon

    Darkdragon Ancient
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    map is an easy 9/10 LOVE the concept. i love playing this
  14. DRO halo3 freak02

    Senior Member

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    ok now i have a question, how do make a crate on a teleporter dissapear so that you can go tru after 60secs or something?

    oh and for the map i give it a 4.5/5 its just all perfect exept for the zombie spawning
  15. Skanky Toast

    Skanky Toast Ancient
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    maybe you should'nt do it in forge. all the respawns and such suck during forge. I love the idea, but it will not work well with the usual infection games that are sweeping the community. (games that are super easy to understand so the 85% of people that play infection {less than 12 years old} can figure them out and do well. This might be just too challenging for their adolecent minds. Great forging though, ill give a DL and try it out with my friends. Happy forging 9.85/10
  16. Conkerkid11

    Conkerkid11 Ancient
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    Actually... this map is great and all... but the gameplay just didn't turn out the way I wanted it to. I can make great maps and all but they just don't turn out the way I want them to. Keep posting, downloading, having fun on the map and all.

    But I'm going to stop playing for awhile and hopefully come up with some great ideas to stick on to Sandbox.

    Sorry to all the people who were hoping for a v2 because I'm not wasting the time. Feel free to take this map and make whatever you want out of it (and possibly post it) just give me partial credit and all.

    I'm upset that you gathered 16 people together and the map you played ended up being crappy. I am very sorry you didn't enjoy it... but truth is, neither did I.

    I did once spawn down on the floor along with the Zombie (I was a human) usually nobody makes it past the pallet bridge (FAIL).

    I am keeping this up in the forums and in my file share so that you people who actually like it (How?) can enjoy it.

    I may make something like this on Sandbox (Hopefully giving me more then Crates and Walls to be provided for obstacles), so post any ideas along with your rating (How was this at 5 stars?) on how another should be made.

    I hope I didn't dissipoint anybody, and I am very suprised that this map made it back to the first page. It was back all the way on page 3. But thanks to whoever did that, and thanks for rating my map.

    Thanks to my crappy ideas and my 1337 forging skills to get me a 4.3/10

    Peace Out, Ya'll Be Hearing From Me Soon Enough!

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