This is my map A House it would not let me name it basic house 4 sum reason so heres a link screenshots BEDS couch TV entrance EDIT Sorry its one of my first ok map please dont be a jerk about it im not the best at forge
Maybe an over view or something? It is hard to know anything about it because you can not see anything outside.
you might want to label your pictures because i have no idea what the things in 2 and 3 represent and can only guess that those things in picture 1 are beds.
I agree with sourdauer, but i also want to stress how bad something called monotony is. Also, repetition. This has been done SOOOOO many times. You will get no credit for anyhting inside unless its an insanely new idea and nobody will really want to download. Also, your forging is still in its beginning stages i see, so just practice. Obviously this wont be your last map, ut for your next one, spend a little longer both planning AND forging. A for effort. 3/5
Please provide an overview. Maybe draw a map/layout on ms paint or something. Also, add captions to your screenshots. I have no idea what some of the things are. And you might want to add some more screenshots. One last thing-- provide a better description and use proper grammar. Thanks, good luck, and happy holidays in case you don't celebrate christmas
I'm sorry, but there is no way this is forgehub material. There's no overview, there are only 2 rooms to my knowledge, and this looks very lazily done. Try adding more to the house, and put some more time in it. (My house was 3 stories with an underground garage)
add a second floor with a huge table or something. try to make something that isn't just scenery though. Do You even enjoy playing on this map?
A bit harsh but he has a point. Make it focus more on gameplay, otherwise it belongs in the aesthetic section