I have over 5000 microsoft points, any ideas?

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Jake Pajamas, Dec 25, 2008.

  1. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I have over 5000 microsoft points (it might actually be over 6000, forget how much i have).

    Any ideas on what i should get with them?

    I know theres tons of stuff on xbox live but idk if you guys had specific videos, movies, or games you thought were worth downloading.
  2. drak

    drak Ancient
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    Change your gamertag twice. Once to crazyguythatcankillyouallday, and then back to John Brodish. After that, you buy castle crashers. Then, you buy some more games, and after that, you give me the rest so I can buy castle crashers for myself.....

    Thanks and have a nice day :D
  3. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    I downloaded the demo for castle crashers and i don't really understand what the hype is about. it's just another side-scrolling button masher in my opinion. you can find many games just like it on the internet for free. but that's just my opinion. any other ideas?
  4. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    My Ideas:

    -Portal is fun, but its like something you can only play through once
    -Get every game add-on for every game you own (including every track for every rock band/guitar hero game)
    -If you have space, get an Xbox Original. They're pretty fun.
    -The new premium themes are really cool.

    You might wanna check out the best sellers. They have most-populars for everything.

    Also if you don't know what to get, just hold onto it instead of squandering it away until you run out. I do that a lot with money. :(
  5. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    yeah i actually downloaded portal a couple weeks ago, definitely a good buy. about xbox originals: do they run as smoothly as the disks do? cause i remember there was that announcement on halo saying that you shouldn't do that for halo 3 cause it screws up the game and runs slow or something.
  6. Murdock Sampson

    Murdock Sampson Ancient
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    Thats different because basically your downloading a smaller game instead of transferring the data from a 360 one. And really that whole download disc idea was stupid. It would've been worth it if you didn't need the disc in anyways, so then you could steal games. But anyways It's good.

    I have one and it works pretty well (Splinter Cell).

    But I'm pretty sure they work well because they're tested out. But really if you have a 20G like me and you get one of the larger ones (5-6G) then its not worth it because it'll take up a lot of space. But most of them are around 3Gs. So really its up to you. The one I have works fine.
  7. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    *Moved to Gaming discussion*

    Just because you have money, doesn't mean you need to spend it.
    If you see something you want, get it. Don't piss your Microsoft points away because you saw something you couldn't buy before.
  8. Psycho

    Psycho Ancient
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    Save them for when the Mythic Map Pack comes out in early 2009.
  9. Playerhata27

    Playerhata27 Ancient
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    *Cough* They come out in March, don't know if he'll wait that long. And theres still not a confirmation on the amount of points it will be * Cough*

    Anyway, think of something you want or need. If I had that many Microsoft points I'd asl my self the following things.
    • Does my Gamer tag need a change?
    • Any videos/movies I want?
    • Any Games/add-ons I want?
    • Any themes/gamer pictures seem interesting to me?
    Then I'd evaluate it.
    • No, I like my gamer tag so I won't change it.
    • Well maybe some South Park episodes, and I'll check out what movies they have, but it has to be something I really like.
    • Maybe some down loadable games, but it would have to be a game that I would play not just something to use my Microsoft points for.
    • Maybe some cool modern themes. I'm good on gamer pics, but I'll possibly check them out.
    As Linu said, be conservative with the points. Don't get corrupt and buy things just for the sake of buying them, have a purpose behind it. Hope this helped.
  10. Masta Blastr

    Masta Blastr Ancient
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    Just spend some on a few themes and arcade games and leave some over for the Mythic map pack and anything else that comes out that interests you.
  11. Reynbow

    Reynbow Ancient
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    Add-ons for games you currently own are the only decent and worth while use you MS points have. DLC's will actually be worth spending money on instead of an Arcade game you will play for a couple weeks then forget about it.

    DLC's will always be fun and usefull and be used much more than anything else you could buy.

    Let's face it too, themes and gamerpics are a complete waste of money and spending any MS points on something like that would be stupid.

    Also if you can't get any DLC for any games you currently own, wait it out. It's not like you have to use them right now. Something will pop up eventually.
  12. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Join the club, I now have 6480 points!
    Really I don't know what you (or I would spend it on).

    Castle Crashers is a very fun game so chances are I'll be getting that (a bit late I know!) and maybe another arcade game. I wouldn't recommend buying the new premium themes because they're not all that, but that's just my opinion.

    Save up for the Mythic maps, 3 months isn't too long to wait (unless you get Halo Wars). On the whole, buy what you want and enjoy.
  13. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    Don't go on any of those websites that "offer" you free MS points and give your GT details, because they'll steal your points, credit card details etc. and send the same message you got to all of your friends. If the site were real, they wouldn't need your account password.

    Wait for Mythic Map Pack. i heard it could cost up to 2000 MS points.
  14. Linubidix

    Linubidix Ancient
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    Quoted for epic truth. I totally regret buying Castle Crashers, I got bored of it within the week.

    I bought 3200 microsoft points back in October and I still have 1600 of it. Although it'll drain pretty quikly when I buy a crap ton of DLC for Lips and Guitar Hero, which IMO is worth it. I really wish you could get a refund for the stuff you buy, I'd so get a refund for pretty much all of my arcade games and themes.
  15. The Hudacris

    The Hudacris Ancient
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    If you have fallout 3 then wait till january. If you dont then try playing trial games on the arcade and buy some you enjoy. Buy Stubbs the zombie too on xbox originals. it is awesome.
  16. Dizfunky

    Dizfunky Ancient
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    I have a few Xbox Originals that are fun. Fable, GTA: San Andreas, and Burnout 3. I play them a lot, too.
  17. Vinny

    Vinny Ancient
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    Dont do this.

    Anyway get a real game, like a standalone arcade game. I never spend it on DLC. That's stupid, cause if you don't want to play that game anymore, then you wasted all of that for nothing. Just get a game that's actually fun like Geometry Wars Evolved or Geometry Wars Evolved 2 or Small Arms, because they're actually fun to play.
  18. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Download Galaga Legions.
  19. Jake Pajamas

    Jake Pajamas Guest

    Sorry guys lol i forgot i had posted this. But yeah I've taken all of your thoughts into consideration. I wasn't planning on blowing it, i just needed some idea because i have no idea what to buy with it. and i actually did change my GT about a month ago so that's out of question.

    i'll look into good arcade games, and i'm definitely saving for the mythic map packs, and i'm pretty sure i have all the game add-ons. anyone know if COD WaW is getting a map pack or anything?
  20. Insane54

    Insane54 Ancient
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    Braid is suppositly amazing, and most Xbox Originals are great. I loved the Splinter Cells, they were a blast.

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