I must agree with you there my Whispy fellow. If there is no bias, then your view on the subject would be equal for each candidate, right? Then how would you vote? Randomly? Of course not. You like one better for some reason and chose it.
This was considered as bias because of this thread found HERE created by Lord Terrax. I apologize for any misconception.
Can't read it because I'm not registered. But still, I understand where Roche is coming from, but he can't just call it 'bias'. He should just say 'disqualified for not judging signature' or something.
I can't really tell if you're talking mainly about SOTW voting, or say election voting. But all in all anyone can say anyone's vote is bias, unless you're the person. No one can truly decipher someones mind and find the truth for the vote. We just have to hope the people will vote for the right reasons. But then again what is the 'right reasons' anymore?
Voting is obviously bias. You vote for the choice you like more. Choosing the side you like is obviously bias.
Erm, if one candidate refuses to present a birth cerfificate while his place of birth is in question, and I don't vote for him, that's not bias. Not everything is biased, just about 90%