BURGER KING® WHOPPER® VIRGINS This is the perfect experiment to find out which burger is higher quality. Do you think they tested it right? Do you think that the results are biased? Is the experiment flawed?
IMO, Burger King has always > McDonalds. I love burger king because I can ask for bbq sauce on my burger and its free
So this is one of those lose/lose threads, huh? I'll go with the Whopper. McDonalds "hamburgers" are downright disgusting.
I know what your saying, mcdonalds charges like 30 cents just for a little dipping cup of bbq sauce. Whopper and BK ftw, besides they make xbox games which makes them even more win.
Burger king is better on a daily basis, but if i'm craving a big mac they are soooooo good. BK is better all around except fries
It's quite amusing to see people who have never seen a burger try to eat one. I like BK better than McDonalds though.
BK >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Wendy's >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>MCD's
Wendy's Baconator ftw... Even though it's a heart attack on a bun, boy is it good. I only get it like once every 3-4 months.
i cant say which i prefer because i havent tried both, but they could have easily just showed the only ones who chose their product, and then use it, the never showed the actual percentage. but as far as accuracy goes, i highly doubt competing companies would give such "accurate" info, but like i said, i have no preference myself, just that Ronald mc donald has been real good to me, and the Kind has only given me money...........