Run Rabbit Run : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Details(<-DL in fileshare) Run Rabbit run, This epic map will have you taking rabbit heads and teabaging bunny's, The open Coilfeild is a risky choice but taking the man cannon can be humliating with a headshot from your enemy's hotspot sniper tower, aim for the Rabbit hole if your more of a close range combat shotgun, flamethrowin, slice n' dice kind of slayer..."Rabbit hunter", "Coilfeild", "Open season" and other gametypes comming soon!!!! Complete with screens shots, Did you like the map comment, poll, Rate The Rabbit Hole makes a great place to grab a flame thrower and incinerate your enemy, or grab invisibility and pick them off like with assassin in you Get to the snipe tower and headshot the rabbits head before the guardians take them out for you! Plasma shields make for a quick getaway but the chase will be epic through a huge open air and closed maze The Coilfeild can be risky but if your lucky you can grab the sword in the middle for the ultimate rabbit hunting season (sword Spree anyone?) Nothing says goodbye like a flying backsmack(tsquared),
Here at Forge Hub, a crucial part of map posting is having one embedded pic. To do this, here's a tutorial: First, go to to your page. Find the Screenshot Viewer, and double click the screenshot which you choose to upload. When you do this, an option should pop up asking you what you want to do with the file. Your screen should look like this: Click Save to Desktop, or wherever you would like to save it to. Next, go to a site like Image hosting, free photo sharing & video sharing at Photobucket to host your image. If you do not have an account, create one. When you have your account made, go to your photo album. There is a blue bar that says "Choose files" that should look like this: Click that blue bar, where the red arrow points to(arrow added for dramatic effect). Upload from wherever you saved the file. Now, after the file has uploaded, scroll down the page to your picture's thumbnail. There is a list of options, like this: Copy the highlighted link, or direct link where the arrow is. And yes, that is Chris Hanson Last step is coming back to here, where you enter the final direct link into the code( [ img]link[ /img] ) without the spaces. Hopefully, that helps you out. Any questions, PM me To find the rest of the important rules here, click this link. You have 24 hours to fix this thread, or it will be locked. No one else post about it not being up to standards, or a mod will be contacted. Thank you.
This is truly a great map give it a chance, the map has no interlocking because I didn't know how at the time but when I make the V2 I will throw some interlocking in around the improved sniper tower and improved bigger maze, thanks for help, I'll be starting on the next version very soon so send me an PM if your interested and know how to interlock, for anyone wanting to test the V2 please send me an PM as well and I'll invite you as soon as its done Thanks again, KNIGH7MARE<-GT
This map looks insane haha. But those usually prove to be the most fun. Please change your thread name to the name of your map. That's just a little rule. Obviously you didn't put much time in this, but I bet it's fun. You probably made this map when you and your friend(s) got bored and decided to make an extremely hectic map. I do it all the time and it's fun as hell. You got my DL. EDIT: Please include a brief description of your map too. People like that. And close-up action shots are a lot more appealing to the FH community. Trust me-- I've learned the hard way haha. None of my maps ever get a lot of downloads even though the people who play them love them. It's all about selling it here at FH.
yes indeed, I'm still updating the map and creating some sweet gametypes for this map, I'll add some more screen shots soon! thnx - Knigh7mare! P.S I'm looking for more beta testers for my new game types, anyone interested send me a friend request over xbl, my last testers had a great time and loved the map
I updated the Thread! Now with screen shots, sweet poll, a fat chick, and a detailed description(kinda) trust me the map is as sweet as this thread Thnx P.S: Fallout 3 is awesome, got it for the PS3
You still need to fix the link so that it goes only to the map and not your whole file share. You have 24 hours to complete this task or you will receive an infraction.
Okay, the map looks really wierd, but I could give it a try. Anyway, I don't sees much interlockings, but that isn't what makes a map. It looks like gameplay could be fun, but the overall map itself is just kind of.....ugly. It doesn't matter, though, 'cause it looks fun. Overall, 3/5. Btw, u got Fallout3 For the ps3, and not the 360?!?! Have you no shame?! Go wash your brain out with soap!
Lighten up lol. It is a casual map if you haven't noticed. It'd be utter craziness running around in a map like this but so to say, I'd probably enjoy it. Nevertheless there are a few things I'd like to see included. There seems to be no real cover on the ground or on top of the boxes so if you add some scenery here and there it could work inbenefit for this map. As too many sheild doors spoil the broth, I'd suggest removing a few and re-placng them in strategic positions. One thing you could add, while not nescesary is interlocking. (Click link) It can smoothen the surface of some structures that lead to better gameplay. You don't have to add this, but it helps. Also, change the name of this thread to only the map name (basically just remove 'New' and 'Knigh7mare') Only a 2/5 at the moment but learning some new techniques, you'll be rolling along! Hope this helps =D
Yes you would enjoy the map so you should DL it and to everyone else try it out before judging it you should try it, grab some friends and start taking names, I'll see what I can do to improve the map with further criticism thnx!
Just looks like duck hunt with a new name and less thought out layout. :/ I would think of trying a arena map or something allong with learning some forge 1o1 skills. It would just improve your maps overall. I didn't like this because it became laggy and repetative and there were many little area that made me crindge.
what the hey, ill help test just send a request to... <<<<BATTERYINCLUDED looks okay, I could help you with a v2... if u want, but ill help test. this map needs interlocking. HOW TO INTERLOCK: 1) Take an item like a double box, set it not to spawn at start (x, x, spawn at start:no). 2) Start new round (start, start new round). 3) place whatever you want to join with that box near the blue teardrop and wait... I HOPE THIS HELPS... merry Christmas!
Looks umm..... ok. One thing that should help is a visit to the forging 101 section to learn interlocking and geomerging. And if you are still having trouble try YouTube and look for Blood F1r3s Forging School (trust me it will help alot and show you all the tricks in the book). Also two things that are not good in a map is shield doors because people just camp behind them,and turrets because they are way to powerful (unless it is in a big map like The Pit or Sandtrap). I really hope i was of any help to you. Merry Christmas to you and to all who celebrate And if you are still having trouble after all that my GT is S0ME CANADIAN (the o in SOME is a zero) sorry but i cant help right now because my halo3 disc is f#cked
If you would like some help on a v2, I will help test and help forge and i will hopefully be on this week so add my GT so we can start forging
Sounds great i was planning on making another map, probably a V2. I'm new to the whole forging but along time halo fan from the beginning, I made this map before I even had XBL it was my first map and I had not heard of interlocking yet but i"m also thinking of making some vids too.
OMG, I love this map, great job. I don't see why everything has to be interlocked seems like an over rated fad here, I played this with a few of my buddy's on xbl and we all loved it, when ever your ready to make to test the V2 let me know Im looking forward to a V2 of this map. For a first map this is the bomb thnx
Me too, Sweet map your description and images are good but nothing like playing on the actual map its self, you didn't give it the respect it deserves. but I'll give it the respect 4/5