If people like gears of war 2 then they like it. This GOTY is a democracy, we vote on it. Honestly I thought that mirrors edge was ground breaking, however it is not on this poll for whatever reason. And for the record MGS4 was not flawless.
it takes a clip to down someone in gears, not three, unless you can't aim.Takes less if your team shooting, and it also takes a bit for your health to come fully back. With an active reload it takes even less ammo to down someone.
Many people have wondered why Mirror's edge was not on the list. Sure, it was innovative and fun, but it's not GOTY material. GOTY must meet on all aspects, including replay value. While they had the time trial mode to increase (or rather, decrease) your scores, it only appealed to a select group of people. And besides, innovative doesn't naturally mean good. Hell, I could make a game where you slowly rip a dog's body parts off one by one. It's innovative right? Nobody has done anything remotely like it? Innovation is not what decides if a game is good. All games were looked at with all aspects in mind and Mirror's Edge could not deliver. Atleast, not as much as some other titles could. Also, on a side note, would it be alright with everyone if I voted? And don't assume GoW2 will win, the poll is open for 6 more days.
says who? You? That is your opinion. If you do no like it than you should have just put it up there and not voted for it. If you going to let us decide what the game of the year is then it should be up there. If it is not, then you are altering our decision which is not a vote.
Shouldn't Dead Space be up there? It was a very well-made game with a lot of great things going for it. Complete 3rd person perspective, zero gravity environments, limb dismemberment, full physics engine, and the inventories and menus (Except pause) were actually physical in the game. Hell, there were even minigames that fit right into the story, and Dead Space universe. I really liked that game.
Yes. Me. Along with several other people who helped decide which games would be voted upon. What game would you have recommended it replace? Well, what ever game you chose would be your opinion. The 10 nominees in the poll are the opinion of the majority of people. All of it is opinion. If I had solely composed this list of my opinion, half of these games would not be on the list. However, it is clearly not solely not my opinion. Do not blame me for simply compiling a list of the most revered and best selling games of 2008.
Your right the majority. And I really think that I am not alone in wanting that selection up there. Alot of people agreed with it to be on there.
Dude, stop spamming the thread talking about how GOW2 wins. Also, quit it with the stupid lime green text. Your not cool just because your text isn't the norm.
A six point difference isn't all that much when you consider that there's still 5 days left. What's wrong with it?
Why is far cry 2 GOTY material. I voted for fable 2 since it was the only one that I have played out of all of these.
FarCry 2 is a known game around the website and was submitted many times as a nominee. When it came down to it, the people who helped me decide which games to vote upon did not feel it was worthy to be Game of the Year. It's as simple as that. I don't know what else to tell you.
No one was voting for Far Cry so I changed it to Mirror's Edge, and that one vote is mine even though it says I voted somewhere else. I've corrected all the numbers. If you actually want to vote for FarCry please contact me.
Thank you for not consulting me. Also, if your vote was changed in the poll, you will need to contact me in order for it to count.
Hell, I would've let him change it now anyway just because people were bitching about it so much. I just don't see why he would not even confront me before changing something in a thread that I constructed.
To avoid people bitching, you should have had more games. Dead space is liked by many people here as well as mirrors edge. Just change the list to like 20 games next time. That MIGHT help, but remember, man created language to satisfy their needs to complain (quote off the internet).