Kolum A small Team Slayer Map made for 2 - 8 players. Weapons are spread out throughout the whole map and two power weapons in the middle. When you start off, only the shotgun is in reach, but after 3 minutes, the center box grows and doors appear on the sides and the gravity hammer is now in reach. Weapons: 4x Battle Rifle Clips: 1 RS: 30 2x SMG's Clips: 1 RS: 45 1x Shotgun Clips: 0 RS: 90 1x Gravity Hammer RS: 180 Now I know you might think that there's only a few guns, but when you're playing with 4 or more players, there's going to be BR's and AR's all over the place. Equipment 2x Plasma Grenade RS: 20 4x Frag's RS: 20 1x Bubble Shield RS: 60 1x Power Drain RS: 60 View of Center View of Center (After "Growth") Team Bases Ground View Download: KOLUM MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
awsome map must have alot of action nice interlocking but it looks like there would be rs camping but other then that nice job 4/5 Is there respone camping
Its looks good kind of small though. At the beginning when the box has not spawned, cant you just nade jump and get the hammer? If you can, you should take away the hammer and weapon holder at the beginning too.
Well forged, but the pics don't give much of an impression of a layout, unless the pictures are all of the map. Anyway, good map, I would put in an overview though.
This looks pretty good. You should make the hammer spawn when the boxes do. also you should geomerge those bridges into the ground to make it smoother. 3/5
This looks like a very small map... are there more areas than what the pictures show? Nevertheless I am downloading this as I speak.
nice map, looks to have some origionaly thought up gameplay. i like teh idea of one of the power weapons becoming inacsesible throughou the game you might try to expand the map, and if you dont, mabey build on the theme of geomerty timed events, make a second floor that spawns 3 mins into the game.
No there'res respawns all over the map Yes you can but since the map is so small you would die just as you get the hammer because your shields would be gone and one shot could kill you Yes when I first started to make the map I wanted it to look like a bong and a grav lift in the center to a second floor but I got a little Lazy, but I might make a Version 2
triple post. if you post a comment, then decide you hvae more to say, simply edit your last statement. needs less spam triple posts bumps up your map and is against the rules
OK.. I played this map a while back and here is what I have to say: The map has a pretty cool design. I definitely would not recommend any parties over 4 people, as it is pretty cramped with just one person. I found that once the double box spawns to get the the gravity hammer, it becomes very easy to get out. A simple grav-hammer jump to one of the ledges enclosing the map and a grenade jump and BAM!, you're out. I also think that if you were to geomerge the bridges into the ground, the gameplay would be much smoother. I found myself getting stuck an awful lot. Some geomerging could be used on some other parts too. The bases where the two teams spawn are also a great spot to camp with the Shotgun or Gravity Hammer. I don't know how you could fix that, but those might become issues. Overall I give this map a 3.5/5.
The map looks very neat. However, the gameplay as far as the respawn system is often a concern on smaller maps. Hopefully the respawns are as good as the map.