Are those circle things your logo? If not, you need to quit using them. You should have a design for one sig, and one sig only. Come up with a new design with each signature you make. Otherwise that style will quickly become overused. It especially matters when you make sigs for other people. They have those circles, you have those circles, everybody has those circles. It gets old. Other than that, you need the main focal point to stick out more. Current sig needs a CnC.
they're not my logo lol... however I like using clipping masks, so this is the second time I made a circle thing like that. But I said this isn't my fav sig... :/
Those lines and sigs. I believe you used it three times though. Smitty's, that sig, and your current.
Not really, if you are referring to the lines w/ circle inside. However, I'm definitely bored of them I admit, so I'm experimenting right now on a new type of sig style..
Overcontrasted, low quality, sloppy effects..WAY too much negative space on the left. The border is bad too. Lose it. Crop the left side down to get rid of the negative space. New one for the SOTW: (fully pentooled)
I don't what to say. It has a very attractive snowman, which is always a plus... a neat-o tree and very askew mountains... a nice sun... snowfall... WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE!?!? But seriously, I like it a lot.
Too dark.... You can tell what your focusing on but the focal point is too erm... idk dark. Also, it needs just a little more color variation
IMO, enlarge the render and center it, but not directly. She's too small... Then you can add your effects. Also, look at some tuts and get better.
I personally really like that, it works pretty well! The only things that stand out as not so good to me are that the render is slightly pixelated, but that's obviously the render itself. Secondly I think the background colours could blend together slightly more or better. So they're not just strips of colour, y'know? What do you guys think? The last two are for a friend. EDIT: Current sig too plskthx?
Requested CnC: The render is too choppy. You need to find a better quality render to fit it your signature. The sig doesn't have much you can do with it either. It's simple background, simple foreground. If that's the theme you're going for, you hit the bullseye. You just need that better render. Good job on the pop-out also. The sig is great, but you overused the smudging tool. The smoke on the lower right hand corner ends abruptly. It creates an imaginary corner. Erase that a bit. Good job. This one has the same problem as last one. The smudging is overused in this signature. Try to make him bigger, and use less smudging on the character to sharpen up the focal point. The text is good though. Good job. This one is probably your best, but the background needs to blend better. It doesn't quite match the render in my opinion. Also, the border you added needs to go over his leg that's in the sig, but then under the one that's sticking out. How you do that is create a new layer, set it to the top, and then erase the part that's over the leg that's supposed to stick out of the signature. Also, the pop-out firing bullet isn't set to pop-out correctly. It ends abruptly to create another imaginary line. Work on your pop-out placements a little more. Otherwise, you did a great job.
The thread was de-stickied... I knew it would happen, and it was only a matter of time. Survived longer than I thought it would though. Since posts haven't been counting here, I knew it would happen. We move along. A little bit too blurry, but I like how it goes out of the border. Some random white spots in the background that I don't really get, especially the one on the left (red) side. Could use some cleanup, but overall, it's okay. Nice pop-out effect, again. Smudging could have been a little bit better. Nice render. Colors also fit in nicely. Especially on the cards. A little too much smudging. Can't see the render that well. The background in pretty neat, but again, too much smudging. Text could be bigger and easier to read. Very nice. Very clean pop-out, and colors are nice too. But, again, I have a problem with the text. It could be bigger and it shouldn't blend in that much. Unless you don't want me to read it. I decided to make my first transparent sig, and also my first sig in a really long time. I don't care for cnc though.
thats probably good.. you would get hounded by haters of typographys. i like it myself.. CnC on mine?
I can't really describe that effect, it looks like an actual painting. Whatever you did to it, it looks good. Only thing that bothers me, is that perhaps there's too much going on in the sig, know what I mean? Too many renders, etc. Maybe cut down the number, or erase one? Other than that, can't give you much advice. Good job.
Just wanna point out that Knight's sig is one stock image. Not many renders, so he cant really delete one, and besides, then the squad wouldn't be together. I personally love Knight's, as a great sig. XD
Your current sig looks pretty win, although it looks like the black borders are kinda uneven. My newest one and my first one on CS4: