Frontlines: Junkyard + Center Mound Gametype: Frontlines | Map: FL Center Mound | Map: FL Junkyard Click above for website This gametype and two maps were created with testing help from several members of the Forge Union. Big thanks to: IrishRebelA07 Golfer43815 Furry x Furry arrrghSAM And big thanks to Crusty Inferno for testing help as well. Testing courtesy of H3Customs. Contents - [jumpto=1]General Information[/jumpto] - [jumpto=2]Lobby Inventory[/jumpto] - [jumpto=3]Lobby Screenshots[/jumpto] - [jumpto=4]Arena Panoramas[/jumpto] - Second Post: Action Shots and Mechanisms [aname=1][/aname] Frontlines is an intense, unique Non-Foundry game that brings King of the Hill to a new, literal meaning. Teams spawn in separate lobbies, or armories, and choose their power weapons. Everyone has 300% health and normal damage inside the hill. After picking their weapons, they head through a teleporter and onto the hill. Once you're on the hill, you cannot pick up weapons, so be satisfied with your choice. There are four receiver nodes per team on Junkyard (High Ground) and three per team on Center Mound (Valhalla). This system effectively creates a spawn system after players get to choose their weapons. Each player has infinite ammo, grenade regeneration and cannot pick up weapons once on the hill. The hill is large and takes up a spacious, open part of each map. There is sufficient enough cover to possibly evade an enemy for a while, but not enough to run away from him for good. Team firing is a huge key to success in this game; every player has a power weapon and 300 percent health, so focus fire to take out a player one at a time. There are three rounds, and in each one, every player has seven lives. Don't play conservatively, because it doesn't help to be the last one left on your team, getting slammed by power weapons by yourself. Running outside the hill will make you very weak and unable to do damage. The reason this isn't just a slayer game with weapon lobbies is to eliminate areas like the base-side of High Ground and the majority of Valhalla, leaving one smaller arena. Junkyard, taking place on High Ground, is best played with 4 to 10 players, while Center Mound on Valhalla is a bit larger and can support 6 to 14. [aname=2][/aname] The lobbies are a huge part of the maps. The weapons inside them vary based on the maps, but each team has the same weapons. All of them have a very quick respawn time. Most have a ten second respawn time, some have 30, and one power weapon per map has a 45 second respawn time. This may sound rediculous, but the maps are based around power weapons. One weapon, the laser on Valhalla and the Rockets on High Ground, only spawn once per round. Keeping in mind you have infinite ammo but cannot pick up weapons on the hill, one player will have a chance at using those power weapons per round. Use them wisely. Center Mound Inventory Per base - one team's weapons 2x Sentinel Beam Spartan Laser* Needler* Machine Gun Turret* Missile Pod Sniper Rifle Deployable Cover Bubble Shield Junkyard Inventory Per base - one team's weapons Beam Rifle Rocket Launcher* Plasma Cannon* Deployable Cover Bubble Shield Sentinel Beam* Fuel Rod Gun Brute Shot Covenant Carbine *Indicates second-rate power weapon - 45 second respawn. *Indicates first-rate power weapon - never respawns. *Indicates "default-choice" weapon - instant respawn. [aname=3][/aname] Because Center Mound's lobbies are symmetrical, screenshots were only taken of one. [aname=4][/aname] This post is continued down further.
Post continued due to image maximum. Frontlines also has a few more advanced techniques in spite of the limits of Non-DLC maps. No interlocking, but a timed event and a save and quit, precise mechanism. On the start of every round on Junkyard, two fusion coils will drop. One will open the hatch on the only high-tech part of High Ground reachable. The second drops through the hatch and destroys the aesthetic vehicles. That explains the name, huh? It produces a few nice destroyed vehicles for aesthetics. On Center Mound, because elevation is such a huge part of gameplay, and controlling the high ground means you are dominating the map, there are a few saved-and-quit grav lifts for additional ways up the hill. One of which is slanted to act as a man-cannon, precisely launching you up to a floating crate and you can jump onto the hill. Thank you for reading about Frontlines. It is an addictive, fun game where details matter, which is why the post is so long. Hills have been reformatted, teleporters have been moved, and they have even been rotated. Every detail has improved this into a very fun, competitive game.
These maps look amazing!I like the way that you balanced them out really well, I thougt that having quite a lot of weapons in one area was almost always a bad idea, these maps have proven me wrong! Once again congratulaitions on two great maps!
well the maps you made there look really cool and i think the gameplay will be a little off because of the ammount of power weapons. of course i know that is not a problem for some people but to me its not a great idea. also the best part is how your post is set up and how you made your pictures, it sure made it a lot less boring (i dont like looking at a post that is the same as everyone elses). good job and keep forgin -Pred
Presentation is amazing. but parts of the map need work. EDIT: After the remarks about flaming, I didn't want to sound like know.. so I am adding more to what I said earlier. Only problem I see is the weapon accumulation. (See pictures of Lobby)
A first time forger? What do you mean do I even have Xbox Live? Look up some of my past maps. I did this for a monthly contest for Pre-DLC maps. All I see here are a bunch of random flames BY a first time forger. Oh I'm sorry, but all I see is a very inexperienced flamer, with no money where his mouth is. hmm. Onto more important stuff than *cencored because of FH's large problem of not loosening up until the near future* messing up your map post. The map itself is brilliant. I'd like to personally apologize for having a f*cked up Halo Disc, and not being able to download the High Ground version of the map, as I have always loved that map, and you just made it what, thirty more times epic? OT: omgomgomgomgomg I just read your h3c profile. Dwyane Wade. **** yeah. Back on topic. The mechanism is what I truly love about your maps. I appreciate effort taken to make them work, and a forger like yourself (remember the aesthetic talk we had...) knows when it's worth implementing. Truly, great job on all these maps found here guys, great job.
Dude, D Wade is a BEAST. No doubt. =D Thanks for the feedback. Were you there during tests at all? One game on Valhalla if I remember correctly? Yeah, I added a couple minor mechanic things - one on High Ground for aesthetics. Nothing major but I think it gives the map a "theme" and something unique. Thanks Sdrakulich. Have you read the Union email yet by any chance?
Rather impressive. Normally I overlook Pre-DLC maps, but this has some promise. The HG switch is really cool. Twilight just needs to shut his 5 year-old mouth. BTW: D.Wade= MVP Merry Christmas! Desert Rat 852
I love the hate towards non-DLC from someone who is one; a noob and secondly; a dipshit. Dear Twilight, You're a moron, when you learn a little more come back and flame properly, also wtf is interloack? ____________ Anyways- Op; Beautiful post for starters, never is a letdown. The game- haven't played it for I just saw the post now but I'm gonna queue and attempt to get a game in on it later. From what I can see here it's gonna be a blast, the lobbies seem like a better take on armories gladly only accessible when first spawned. The aesthetics look great too for Valhalla and High ground, I'm looking forward to this.
i have no clue wuts going on. i can barely read the font and the pictures dont make sense. wut led u to waste so much time making this so confusing?
Looks great for a non-foundry map. I couldn't really see from the pics so I Q'ed it for DL and will check it out, after Christmas. But it does look great. 4.5/5! Merry Christmas!
Thanks everybody. I updated the DL link because I heard someone had a problem with it. Jason - how can't you? Just read the description!
This is one of the most unique ideas I've seen on forgehub. It's unique, yet a simple idea that somehow has not been thought of before. So unique, in fact, that I cannot predict how this would play out. I'll have to DL to be sure. For the sheer epicness of the idea at hand, 10/10
Thanks a ton. Some people didn't like the 300 percent health, but the fact is that is the only efficient way to have a power-based game with that many weapons. And once you get used to it, it is very fun to play on.
These are definitely the best Pre-DLC maps I've played, besides the Infiltrate maps which were also made by Nevz. You've managed to make it perfectly balanced on both High Ground and Valhalla, which I'm amazed by considering the terrain you've chosen to use is far from symmetrical! Definitely the most fun I've had with a group of anything from 4 to 10. Well done on a great set of maps, I hope you continue with the Frontlines gametype and manage to bring out new maps for it!
Thanks Sam. The High Ground one was very tricky, and things you'd never pay attention to, like slight rises in terrain, become very important here. I am considering tweaking the lives setup, because it causes various problems when: - People join late - One person is alone for several lives I'd like to give a shot at that setting in respawns where dead teammates respawn on kills by other teammates. Maybe two lives apiece, but your teammates can revive you. I am also considering a map on Isolation with lobbies in the regenerator rooms, and the battle on the sniper bridge, both above and below.
Well, in an extremely basic sense, then yes. But with several teleporters, armories, tactical gameplay, and much, much more. Yes, there is an armory, but that's like saying Tremor n' Mouse is just "infection with vehicles."