Yeah way to go Dream. Stop acting like you are the King of Racing. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions so shut your trap. I'm not saying your tracks suck but just don't flame other peoples tracks just because they don't suit your taste. One day you are going to screw up and everyon will be there to kick you in the face unless you smarten up. Thanks.
so this is coming from the noob who posts his sig in his post.... well if he can actually put the floor into the map he is better for being able to do so. Also why is the floor bad. Even so the map is amazing so, not trying to be mean but that was a completely ignorant statement when did he say any of this. i read all the posts and he wsas kind and humble. are you drunk or on drugs or something?
They are just mad because I reviewed some tracks and I gave a bunch a low score. So there just mad because of that. To be honest, I have seen a lot of low quality tracks lately. Thanks for the comments though guys.
A dream dont worry.Theres tracks arent put together like ours.Volocikiller is just hating.Dont trip about him.Plus are's are way smoother and we take time on our maps.So dont trip over noobs.ha
yeah im sorry dream its just i personally felt that you were acting all high and mighty but i guess u could be right. considering i never download the tracks from forgehub cuz i have no room. but anybody who is like LOOK AT TEH NOOBS AND TER NOOBYNESS should really just shut up. especially the kid who bad mouthed AnF Knight because he had his sig. i mean WTF. so dream im sorry and i was just trying to defend people who dont spend alot of time making maps. i personally dont have much time in a day so i cant blame people. but mostof the people who talk **** here dont even make great maps or anything. so im sorry dream. please dont charge your lasers and go all shoop da whoop on me. TRUCE?!
i was not insulting him for having his sig in his post, i was using it as a forground for my argument that he should not act like an expert on a site where he can't even figure oput how to use it. Obviously he is new and shouldn't be giving an "expert-like opinion" when he is not an "expert". Do you get what I'm saying?
Maybe you could just tell me how to properly do it instead of being all angry. Im new yes and no im not trying to be all "expert". Sorry if I insulted anyone. Im just stating my opinion as I am allowed to do. Now back to the sig thing how do I do that?
im just saying that because someone is new on a ite doesnt mean they are complete losers. Imagine if dream made a new account and didnt tell anyone and you all talked **** to him cuz he was new. Seriously think about it. you dont know WHO youre really talking to. a sig has nothing to do with racetracks anyway.
This map is the best quality racing map that I have seen on Forge Hub in a while. The "gameplay" is very fun and, with experienced players, can get very intense. I have already downloaded and recommended this map to quite a few friends, too. 5/5, for sure. I really hope this gets recognized. That, my friends, is how to keep a thread ON TOPIC. If you want to argue, Forge Hub has a whole section titled "Debates" where you can argue all you want. -Blue
whats so bad about the ground? thats how the track gets some flow... and ha sliky i know what you look like!!!=)
Actually now that I thought about it more there is nothing wrong with the ground I was just saying that the track is so good it would have been cool to make it all not on the ground. Anyways how do I properly put my sig in like not actually in the post itself.
Beautifully interlocked and such a lengthy track considering of the size of Foundry. Great forging, keep it up. 5/5.
ePiC. this map is beautifully forged and amazingly smooth to ride on. One thing i HATE though is the use of guardrails because those supplies not only occasionally hinder turning radii, but also take away from the length of the track! Regardless, this map is an aesthetic and entertainment masterpiece! Make More!! haha 5/5
Wow dude this is one of the greatest race maps I have been on, I loved it, and its turns and everything. This is great, I give it 9.5/10. Keep up the work.
Velocikiller I agree with Velocikiller, you guys shouldn't treat everyone else you is not in your little group like crap, they make maps like everyone else and should be given a fair rating that is not biased, AnF will be taking over the pro score rating system as Velocikiller has said. (for this track) (the lift doest work all the time) AnF Pro Score- 4.5/5