Turbine is a playable aesthetic map intended for King of the Hill. The geometry of the map should be instantly understandable for new players, essentially its just a small circular map with two central hills. It is easy on the eyes and beautiful to look at in my opinion. The name Turbine comes from the eight grav lifts and the unique shape of the map, the lifts take players up to the second hill spawn where a regenerator is located. The weapons on the map consist of 16 battle rifles (30 sec ea) placed on each of the 8 small barrier spires (two per spire), two maulers (90 sec ea), a central shotgun (180 sec), and a rocket launcher (180 sec) placed inside the crane claw only accessible from the upper level. Since the map is intended for King of the Hill I didn't find it necessary to make it unbreakable since there is no advantage to go out of the map. I used every wall and double wall piece to create the circular barrier around the outside and also used every bridge, stair, man cannon, grav lift, sign, door, window panel, and weapon holder to create the rest of the map. It is set up for Hill, Flag, and Assault if needed. Hope you enjoy and have a Merry X-Mas! Download Here
Hmmm....I had a map similar to this. My suggestions are to make the hill bigger, take out the maulers, decrease the number of BR's, put only 2 rocket ammo on the rocket, and make the barrier walls taller so ppl cannot escape from the map. Nice aesthetics and good luck on v2. EDIT: Don't rate your own map.
Thank you for your suggestions, can you message me a link to your map for some pointers? I ran out of walls for the circular barrier, but I guess I could use some double boxes, even still if I were to do that, I think it would take away from the aesthetic side of the map and make it more claustrophobic. Having shorter walls puts more focus on the center of the map.
actually, having shorter walls just screams "grenade jump me, have more fun outside of the map!" and rating ur maps and being pointed out just makes others really want to make it 1 star. im not gonna tho, its hard to resist tho
ive seen a lot of maps similar to this one, but yours is definitely among the best ive seen. one suggestion i would make is to put equipment like bubble shields and regenerators around the outside of the map so that players can use them to gain control of the hill for more than a few seconds. you might want to make the map escape proof too.
it looks realy good and great fun to play but blok the outside barriers with fence walls or something because its way too easy to get out.
ok you need to fix this map up a little people can get out way to easy one grenade and you can get over your wall
Okay, people, he understands that you can get out. No need to point that out more. On topic, I think you should decrease the amount of BR's, or at least replace some of them with Carbines, maybe split the difference. ( 8 BR's, 8 Carbines) Merry Christmas! Desert Rat 852
This map is okay, i could see some of ways to perfect this 1) Make it where u cant get out 2)add better coverage other than that this map is good, 3/5 u should make a v2
Very well done on the center. Kind-of reminds me of my un-posted map FFA Turbine v2. But it has different qualities; just if you make a version 2, try to make it so two simple jumps can't get you out of the map, add one more set of walls. 3.5/5
This looks like a cool map for FFA, but there is a lack of cover and it is easily escapable. I recommend putting an extra floor of walls on the outer rim and adding more cover, maybe even a base or two if you want to get fancy. Patch these up.