OH NOES! I DOWNLOADED IT! Now I'm marked! Marked I say! And I've infected others! Yes... Sargentsarcasm and that CHUCK guy! Yeah! They'll go down with me! WITH ME I SAY! HAHHAHHAHAH! But yeah. Seriously. I downloaded it out of curiosity and I was suprised to find that it actually worked. I just hope there aren't any reprocussions for curiosity.
Another one has been posted. And Coolant, better transfer it to a offline account to be safe, thats what i did.
Download the map, then switch to local custom game and sign in your online and offline account. On your Recent Maps list for the offline account the maps should be there, you just hit X to save it. Then you can just delete it off your online account. But, Soggydoughnuts is right, I doubt anything will happen.
We got something new: No respawn time found on this dudes fileshare. I haven't tried it yet, but its there.
They're going to be banned. Bungie has to have some pull and enforce rules. Big brother makes a rule but doesn't enforce it, so there wasn't really a rule at all.
someone told me, i won't give out this persons name, but they said that bungie made it and that it was accedentaly released. >sykoOne told me
You won't be banned, but that doesn't mean you should go around sharing this. If you have it, great, if you don't, don't be asking about it here. http://forums.halomods.com/viewtopic.php?t=69714&start=1240
I already have that... I think one of my neighbors modded it/ took it from halomods... but he is a modder. Not this guy though. No possible way! They would have removed it by now... Apparently, a Bungie guy said that a guy who is on Halomods was told only not to share Recon mods/ etc., but that they were leanent. I think he was a high-up in Halo-mods...
Yes, Anthony is what you might call high up. He revolutionized several modding methods, but he's a pro-Bungie, and goes out of his way to not piss them off. Anthony discussed the modding stuff with Bungie people, and they were glad that only he had such tools. But still, don't download those maps. They're useless anyways.
Oh... I am not a member of halomods, so I just knew that from the thread Coolant posted... Why can't we download it? It seems fine to me. The people aren't blacklisted. I think as long as we don't re-publish a map on it or use it for machinima, it is fine.
I wouldn't download it, mainly because of the pure uselessness of it. Also, in the rare event that we do get blacklisted, I'm clean.