Valley of Fear

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Race Maps' started by Seaboro Kibbles, Dec 23, 2008.

  1. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    This ghost racetrack will kick you in the face. Trust me, I’ve see it.
    This is the Valley of Fear, my racetrack that uses ghosts. That's right, ghosts. After almost a years of experimenting with ghosts, I've come to a conclusion, they kick ass.​


    Download Map
    Download Game (or vip race variant that supports ghosts) (RACETRACKES doesn't)

    Difficulty: Hard
    Distance: Medium/Long
    Cheat-proof Point System: Yes
    Gametype: Suits this track perfectly
    Players supported: 2-4
    Features: 2 huge jumps, and a 70 degree wallride
    Fun: Very

    See something funny about the tree?

    follow the red line
    (it was difficult capturing all the terrain in one shot)

    The Jump
    I believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, that this is the biggest, non gravity altered, jump in Halo 3. And negotiably the funnest.​


    An interesting angle

    "They look so small from up here"

    The jump's lip is flat, which is unusual, considering the distance achieved. Keep straight, and boost.

    This is the fun part

    The landing can be tricky, land flat and don't use boost or you'll fly off.

    The Other Jump

    Powered my three man-cannons, this is a jump worth watching out for.
    The jump flies you over to what us snowboarders call a hip. This is a slanted landing which softens the land and involuntarily turns and speeds in the direction of the slant. This can be very tricky, as you can see in the picture below, it is good if you go off the jump straight, and land flat or slightly on your nose.

    A view of both jumps, with a blue tinge from the cannon.

    The Rest

    Immediately after the the last jump the track shoots up to ~70 degrees, which is tricky because the ghost tends to overturn. Keep steady and you will reach the rainbow wallride.

    The Rainbow Wall Ride is one of my favorite parts, it really gives a sense of weightlessness.

    After that is a banked turn and a little hill and your at the big finale. Watch out, falling of at this point isn't very forgiving.

    More Screanshots!



    I was infracted because i posted the rest of the pictures as the first post because of the picture max. Apparently this is a double post so that post with the extra pictures was deleted. I solved this problem by merging some on the pictures together, so the twenty picture max is met but you still get to see this map fully.

    When i say that this map has the biggest un-gravitty-altered jump in Halo 3, i am basing this fact on what i have seen, if you know a bigger jump, please post and i will re-word myself.

    I am not a racetrack fan, i like building them, not racing them. This is very low on the list of my favorite custom games, but it is my favorite racetrack.

    Download Map
    Download Game (or vip race variant that supports ghosts) (RACETRACKES doesn't)
    #1 Seaboro Kibbles, Dec 23, 2008
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2009
  2. Rifte

    Rifte Ancient
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    Haha, YES! I love these kinds of maps! The merging is smooth and that jump looks pretty epic. I wil DL and play when my 360 is fixed :)
    Oh and you sould put that disclaimer on the first post I think.
  3. Maxzy

    Maxzy Ancient
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    This map looks amazing. I love the jump as it reminds me of the vidmaster achievment. The map seems a bit hard but looks fun.
  4. sourdauer

    sourdauer Ancient
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    nice racing map, it looks really cool! people usually avoid jumps because they make the map "unrace-able" but they're so much fun!
  5. Sotha Sil156

    Sotha Sil156 Ancient
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    This is crazy-cool man. The first "real" ghost racetrack I have seen thus far.
    I downloaded for coolness.

    I just played it and it is rad-awesome! The 70 degree part of the track on prowlers is tubular!
    #5 Sotha Sil156, Dec 24, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 25, 2008
  6. Trifslap

    Trifslap Ancient
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    This map is just plain awesome, it might just be me but the map seems very similar to one you would see in an f-zero game.
    You have the fast "cars", insane jumps and some crazy turns.
    Good work
  7. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
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    Wow! I was going to call it F-Zero, that was my second pick. Are you some kind of geenie?

    I'm not sure what you meen, but I'll take a swing. The ghost, along with the scorpion (thats right), prowler, and the chopper (in boost) can reach inclines of about 75 degrees if the surface is smooth and the ramp has a large enough radius. Another map that is in the making (it's been literaly a year) i got the ghost completely verticle, 90 degrees. I kept the slope in Valley of Fear low for playability.

    mongeese are can race on the flat ground, until they reach the man-cannon jump which it's rare they actualy stays on the track. From that point on, it's impossible. A prowler and even a scorpion would have a better chance. (and i think they are both in the map)

    They deleted my second post, so i don't have much of a choice.

    keep fireing the questions!
    #7 Seaboro Kibbles, Dec 24, 2008
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2009
  8. D34thly F1r3

    D34thly F1r3 Ancient

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    This race track is EPIC WINSAUCE! This map actually requires skill, unlike some other that just make you drive around for a bit, i've never played a racemap except for once where everyone assassinated each other, and i dled! nice!
  9. Stoj

    Stoj Ancient
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    The 70 degree wall is insane, honestly. Did you do anything to it to make it drive-able or did you just test the different angles because the ghost can tolerate them?
  10. smitty0018

    smitty0018 Ancient
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    This is absolutely amazing. At first I'm like "Here we go, a Ghost racetrack," but this is jaw dropping. It looks like so much fun. The cheat-proof finish is really creative, haven't seen anything like it.

    I personally like the name F-Zero better, but great map either way. 10/10
  11. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'm not sure what you meen, but I'll take a swing. The ghost, along with the scorpion (thats right), prowler, and the chopper (in boost) can reach inclines of about 75 degrees if the surface is smooth and the ramp has a large enough radius. Another map that is in the making (it's been literaly a year) i got the ghost completely verticle, 90 degrees. I kept the slope in Valley of Fear low for playability.
    #11 Seaboro Kibbles, Dec 24, 2008
    Last edited: Dec 24, 2008
  12. Domo kun FTW

    Domo kun FTW Ancient
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    Very Original, Very Pwnage.
    This is a crazy map for racing, freaking ghosts, now thats fun.
    5 star DL Win. I love it, those interlocks are very clean, your really good with forge :]
  13. The Desert Fox

    The Desert Fox Ancient
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    THIS IS EPIC. That is awesome dude. SICK wallride with the jumps and the angles and the boosts and the originality. I literally cant wait to try it out. The post was gnarly too with the effects and explanations and the forging looks clean and, correct me if i'm wrong, flawless. Dude, hopefully you make a bunch more of these because these are by far the most fun maps!

  14. RaBBiiTTT

    RaBBiiTTT Ancient
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    I'm not much of a racetrack fan, but this one is really an exception. I have always been a fan of your maps since Hurricane Brawl. You forge very well and they get better and better.

    I can't believe no one thought of using ghosts on a racetrack, but you did, and it is very amazing. The jump looks really fun. I wanna get some 'Hang Time' when I play here. I will download both. Congrats on such an epic map.
  15. L3377MA573R

    L3377MA573R Ancient
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    Wow, this is downright insane. Incredible interlocking, amazing jumps, and I'm a sucker for funny, captioned write-ups. Excellent map, dl'ing right now.

    Edit: Tried it out: Love it. I failed each obstacle numerous times, but this track is downright awesome. I like how you put those 'random' objects behind the starting line. :p Seriously, this map is epic win......burger. Epic win-burger. If anybody's wondering if they should finally delete Cell Block 71 from their hard-drive, do it, and dl this map.
  16. Xen

    Xen Ancient
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    One of the best racetracks out there. With unique features and amazing jumps, this is breathtakingly awesome. Good work! You've gotta teach me how to forge like that. 5/5
  17. AnF Knight

    AnF Knight Ancient
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    Really amazing track dude. I would have to say one of the most creative tracks I have ever seen on Avalanche at least. 5/5 for me and im for sure going to download it. Just a question though would it work for mongeese? If so I would recomend putting both mongeese and ghosts on the track. Anyways amazing dude.​
  18. Seaboro Kibbles

    Seaboro Kibbles Ancient
    Senior Member

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    mongeese are can race on the flat ground, until they reach the man-cannon jump which it's rare they actualy stays on the track. From that point on, it's impossible. A prowler and even a scorpion would have a better chance. (and i think they are both in the map)
  19. oO SLiK Oo

    oO SLiK Oo Ancient
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    1st ghost racing on this is awsome,second this is very very neet and smooth,i have nothing bad to say just that it is an awsome map.Good job
  20. Tydo

    Tydo Ancient
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    this map is really fun, download for sure

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