Aminious Created by oO SLiK Oo 2-8 players FFA ( this is my 1st slayer map posting on Forge Hub and i made 3 slayer map so if you can give me some feed back thank you ) On foundry Supported Gametypes: King of the Hill Oddball Slayer Story: Once a UNSC Practice Battle field was abanded 14 years after it was made beucase when marines would train on Aminious some would die from a sercet covenant attacks,that left some sturctures damaged. Description The map is for 2-8 players for FFA only,FFA KoTH and FFA OddBall,The map took about 1 month and 1 week in a half to make.I worked on it everyday almost and pulled about 45 hours working on it.The map is breakable just at one part,its like that becuase im dumb and forget to save another map with the items for money glitching still on the map,Yea i know im dumb.But it will kind of not make sense becuase you'd probbally die about time you try to do it.It will take alot of time to try to toh yea the map is asymmetrical Weapoins AR x2 BR x8 Shotgun x1 ( No clips ) SMG x2 Spiker x3 Magnum x 2 Plasma Pistols x2 Needler x1 Snipers x2 ( 1 clip each ) Rocket x1 ( no clips ) Carbine x2 Frags x14 Stickys x13 Power Drain x1 Trip mine x1 Camo x1 Forging 101: [ ___ ] __Floating Objects [ ___ ] __Instant Respawn [ YES ] __Immovable Objects [ ___ ] __Timed Map Events [ YES ] __Effective Spawn Placement [ YES ] __Gravity Lift Techniques [ ___ ] __Objects Placed in Water [ ___ ] __Used Symmetry Option [ YES ] __Interlocking Objects [ YES ] __Objects Merged with Map Geometry [ YES ] __Unlimited Budget Glitch Testers where:x DREAM 76 x,Amercanphysco,THIZZ KILLER,Toby the fat cat,Corrupt Meyhem,IgnitedProphecy,TheElfPunk,vVT3hJoShn3ss95,iiTz CryptiK Cosmic Rick gave me and idea to the map where the lot is. Blue Tower [/img] Blue elbow [/img] Bunker/Orange [/img] Lot [/img] A snipe tower,Rockets are underniether [/img] Middle [/img] B snipe tower [/img] B Elbow [/img] Overview [/img] overview [/img] Download Aminious Please Leave some feed back thanks!
Hey looks great SLiK. I'm glad I got a chance to test a little and break out of the map so you could fix those. I don't exactly know where you could improve the map other than spawns and weapons which are already good. I adjusted the spawn times of the snipers to 120 seconds because you have three power weapons on the map, and that would work best. The only map layout balance issue I notice during FFA slayer was that I always was fighting near the blue towers and sniper spawn. This is the far side of the last picture if you are wondering what I'm talking about. Overall, great job and I hope you consider making another slayer map next, possibly a team slayer?
First i must say that this map has a very unique layout, i have no idea how someone could think of this. Then the interlocking which makes it look that much better adds to the gameplay which is also incredible. nice job
Very nice. Your maps are always top notch. The geomerging is well done. It's not too overdone and fits the mood of the map great. I did feel that the floor parts were very open. The spawn points worked very balanced when I tried the map out last night. What can I say another great map by you. I would like to see you get a feature sometime soon. I feel that you have what it takes. Can't wait to see what you come up with next. 5/5
This is nice! geo-merging is very well done, straight which is something that not everyone makes sure it is when they make their maps, and the interlocking is superbly executed as well, nice job, i can see that you spent a lot of time on this map, and the post makes it look all the more better, i'm dling!
The geomerging on some parts of this map are phenemonal, you spent a good deal of time making it. It looks like people also think your map plays good too, so I will take their word for it and DL...
Pretty good. The bunker and the Blue tower look very neat. I kinda like your map so I'll give it a download. Although IMO the middle, or top-mid, is not good. Try to change it. The gameplay looks good for TS so that's a plus. Good job. 4/5.
Wow dude really nice map i like the complexity of the favorite part is the sniper tower really cool. Very neat map.........You got my vote......nice job
Nice Great map dude. Fantastic merging and Geo. sooner or l8tr you'll probably get featured for this.