Dred's Epic Gallery of Win None of these are staged! All of these are live action shots in matchmaking/custom games featuring me pw0n1ng s0m n3wbz. =D Some of these may look staged, but they're not. Since I don't have Bungie Pro, most of these are located in Gallery/Recent Screens (Links at end of post). FYI, I don't stage because I suck at it. Self-Titled Awesomeness Triple Betrayal Kill! (My Trophy Shot) Fatal Shot (Banshee flipped me over I still shot it down) Pink Fury Crotch Rocket GIMMEH YO MONAY! Double-Fail I See the Light (Nah just a shee noob) Coming Through!! (Me being a shee noob again) And here's the links to where MOST of them may be on Bungie: Fileshare Gallery Recent Screenshots
only two of the pics come up for me... not sure if that is your fault or my browser's fault (firefox) otherwise, i really like that double-fail pic. real nice. EDIT did that laser go through that elites legs? it kinda looks like that
Huh that is weird...let me edit it again and see. EDIT: GRR I don't know what's going on they're not showing up. All the IMG tags are fine and I just uploaded them to Photobucket so nothing should be wrong...need help.
Here try this: The second link down i talk about is the Direct Link. and after it says Ctrl+V, that is supposed to be in the prompt that should pop up Hope that helps some. PM when you get the pics working ~tbb15
I dont find these that good at all I know they're not staged but I think the only one that looks ok is I see the light but even then thats not that good 3/5
The funny thing was that I was being a shee-noob in the air while my brother guest got stuck by this other guest dude...and yes all 3 died! Afterwards I looked into theatre mode and got this epic shot XD. My bro is the one in the far back of the 3 victims awaiting to get stuck. So no I didn't commit that henious crime...we were there when it happened. Anyways the halo 3 video footage for the triple betrayal is in fileshare lol if you want to see it yourself.