Hi, I'm new to the forge hub community. This is a map I've been working on for a while (ITS A WORK IN PROGRESS), with a design I have not seen anyone use. My goal was to create a competitive map with complete lower and upper levels, for bases, corners, and middle. So far, I believe it is a success. Most of the map I have designed with guardian in mind, but not to the full extent (its two level bases for example). I'm trying to make a map with alot of surface area, and plenty of ways to maneuver around. As of now, the outline of the map is being built. It is for the most part, geo-glitched everywhere, and into the walls when it needs to be. The bases are big in my opinion, so is the bottom middle. There is plenty of room to jump around on all the bottom levels. So without saying much more, here are some screenshots. this is what I call an "overview". I know the forge screen is there, but..whatever. from bottom red base, a view to bottom mid, and bottom walkway to other base. To the right hand side, there is a small view of what I plan to have as a "mauler jumpup". This shows a view of bottom and top blue base. It is identical on the red side. Open, and with room to walk around and jump. A view of what I plan to be the corner blue base. It will be identical on the red side. There is a lift up to top box (not the callout), and there will be a bottom and top level with a walkway to the top box from either side. A temporary top mid. View of top mid and and blue corner. This is top blue base. Plenty of ways to get in and out. Forge screen is still there... Well, this is my map. Its a work in progress. I'm working on getting a new top mid, and building the levels of the map and geo-glitching everything together so there is a constant flow to what will be added. I am trying to utilize everything but the fence walls first for the levels because i dont want people to look under to the bottom level all the time. I hope you enjoy the screenshots. Please comment. If anyone would like to help me out on the project by giving me ideas, or helping me forge in general, I'll be very interested. My gamertag is "rmc235". Send me a friend request or message if you are interested.
This map is a work in progress and therefore belongs in Forge Discussion. I would contact a mod and have them move it for you. And also, for future reference, don't take your map pictures in forge. Take them in a custom game. People complain about it when you do it forge.
It doesnt look very good, but I will probably DL when I get more space. However you did interlock and I think I see some geomerges, will just have to do a forgethrough.
The map doesnt look bad, it just doesnt look like a MLG map Also theres no Mancannons in MLG, you might want to take those out.
It looks great! 5/5 on the idea of making a 2 floor MLG map. You really did it well, too. The one thing I noticed is that some may be able to get out by means of grenade jumping on the second floor where the fenceboxes are.
Um, where do you get that? You realize there are mancannons on Narrows right? It looks like he is just using them to get on top of that box, there is nothing wrong with them.
The map's not finished yet... Anyways, it looks pretty good from what you have so far. You should plan to add a few aesthetic touches to the map, because it looks kind of bland. I hope you make a non-MLG version of this so that people (like me) that don't like MLG all that well can enjoy your map.
i believe from what i see so far it would play actually pretty nicely. Just remove the mancannon though as they dont work well on foundry MLG maps
Hey rmc I didn't know you posted here man. The map looks like it's coming together. Next time you see me on make sure to send me a message about this, if you need help on some of the design - I apologize for ignoring. I remember you and limelight as I think that's how I met you, yea if you need help let me know, I feel so bad right now.
thanks for the comments. posting was pretty difficult though.. (posted in wrong sections twice lol) i believe that no one has ever made a map like this before. it is a work in progress, as i canceled my work to focus on schoolwork/ a one-month account. i will put a video of the map in my fileshare for you guys to look at, and if i get time, upload it to the computer. my next week is pretty free with winter break so i will be on with updates. in my opinion the mancannon is a difficult choice for the map. the corners of the map in general are because of the limited resources, and I was looking for something to "bring the map together" if you will. to me, the mancannon looks great and functions pretty well. the original map, which I have changed, was based off a combination of construct and guradian, in which there is a 2 floor mlg map, with two liifts to a third floor walkway. the only problem I have with the mancannon is that you cannot throw grenades of any kind up it, and in some cases, frag grenades get completely stuck in the corner and will remain there for the rest of the game, which bums me out a bit. (if anyone wants to help me with that that would be great. I have tried to fix the problem but grenades are a minor importance as of now.) mancannons are in mlg, and the only purpose of the mancannon is to reach a certain destination, in this case, the top corners of my map. this is my first post on here, and i want the community to share their ideas to create this map. I will post more screenshots shortly. oh, and the rules do say i have to post the name of the map and nothing more in the title. I would have put in WIP. as far as the aesthetics go, to make a complete two floor map with plenty of room, alot of objects need to be used. a new top mid is what I am trying to come up with, like a platform. once everything is where it needs to be, I will look at some aesthetic designs. the part of foundry that is blocked off will be blocked off. the only thing is that I want to use everything i need for the design, then worry about everything else. and fritzster its no problem man. you are a pretty busy guy haha and I will send you messages if needed, but you'll know when Im on.
This map looks inspired by Xyience. A new way to think about MLG, other than the standard two base crap we see all the time? Pm me when you get the full post up for you're map, I want to download it!