I have recently decided to undergo a challenge. To make some fun and challenging puzzles...without any interlocking. NO box in a box. NO box in a wall. all three of these maps were made in one sitting each without a single save and quit. NOTE: These maps weren't meant to be frustratingly hard, just quaint mental excercise, have fun. ^_^ AND SO! without further ado. i present ESCAPE There are three modes, with a total of 20+ unique puzzles. EASY MEDIUM AND HARD RULES AND INFO 1-start on easy mode, trust me, it'll be much more fun that way. 2-PLAY THIS ALONE, it was NOT made for two people. 3- if you want to exploit an area that you found to get out of the map, or glitch to get to the next level,if there are any, enjoy yourself, just know that you'll never have the joy of finishing fairly. 4- IF YOU GET STUCK AND WOULD LIKE TO SEE HOW TO COMPLETE A PUZZLE SEND ME AN INGAME MESSAGE. I HAVE VIDEOS ON HOW TO BEAT EACH PUZZLE. 5-HARD MODE SHOULD BE FIXED NOW! IF YOU SEE ANYTHING ABNORMAL LET ME KNOW SOME PUZZLE PICTURES! vvv Everything you need to play can be found here! And don't forget the gametype, it IS required. vvv Bungie.net : Bungie Online : Halo 3 File Share Not so bad for my first post eh?
FIRST POST cool how you made different difficulties, while maintaining a good puzzle aspect and not getting too sloppy. This map could have more Intralockzingz but overall a good map and a solid Idea. I suggest a v2 so that it isn't breakable but your on a road to a fine map, my friend.
Maybe get some pictures of some of the puzzles? It is very hard to know if it is good or not by just looking at the outside of it. I will come back later if you do get any pictures for it...
I like the idea of no interlocking but i wish you put more pictures of the inside of the maze to me i don't really care what the outside looks like....i want to see if there is a goal to reach so you wont die from the infected people......any-way i like the map a little bit maybe more pics....but good idea of no interlocking that sorta of new!
Good, new maze maps. I don't really like your idea of no interlocking... sound to me like "I'm way to lazy to make my map look nice at all" than "I'm going to be different and make a map without interlocking!!". I will most likely download these(guessing it's more than one map) and try them all. I almost gaurentee they are not all unique challenges like you said they should be but I haven't tried them so I don't know. I will probably beat them all and get back to you on how they played. -zackj191 EDIT: Also, went back and looked at the pictures and it looks like you don't even know how to interlock or set a wall straight and came up with the challenge excuse. Not trying to be rude, but please put some effort into your maps and spend more than 10 minutes on them...(Still going to play them because I like puzzle maps) You should work on practiceing interlocking and geo-merging because they do actually make a map very good. EDIT: After testing through Medium and Easy(only had 3 spaces on my Halo for custom stuff) I have found that the maps are extremely easy(to me) and that they are easily breakable. In the Easy map you can get 2 grav lifts and carry the second through the level and pass the barrel room. 4/5 for at least making me take more that 10 minutes for both(easy was beaten ridiculously fast I was excpeting them to be longer...). Might go try hard tomarrow.
Duble post. No infration because your new but please try not to double post. Spam. At least write a review of the puzzles or tell if you found anything that needs fixing... don't just spam like a crazed wolverine on riddle-in(just say it out loud... I have no idea how to spell it...)
Me saying it was fun is a review a bad review but a review. Now I can see you not the owner of the puzzle wants a nice paragraph on the puzzle. I did not try and break out of the puzzle once but it probably wouldn't be to hard since you have everything on insta-respawn and also there was nothing to challenging on here that I got stuck and took me a while to figure out but I did enjoy the length of the puzzle.
going straight to hard is exactly what you shouldnt do. there are still a few bugs to work out on it but it should work just fine. And just ftk. i do know how to interlock and stuff. i actually do it so frequently, that it was a friend of mine who dared me to make a map without it. PSS - i don't care if the review is nothing but "that was fun" all i want is opinion. go spamhunting on your own thread please.
oh trust me, they're awesome. I made absolutely sure not to make any of them so hard as to frustrate anyone, yet hard enough (depending on level) to provide a simple challenge.
Well first off the post was ok but you should not make the dl link go to your fileshare. The link should go to the map that has been posted on the bungie forums. The reason for this is because if you want to put something else on your fileshare and you take off any of the maps then no one can dl them anymore. So that's one thing to fix. I haven't played these maps yet but I'll play them then get back to you. BTW you have me exited because you said 20+ unique puzzles. I really hope your telling the truth. Now let me go and play.
alright guys im back from vacation, thought i'd answer a few things. 1. Yes there are 20+ puzzles and no two are the same. 2. I know about the fileshare thing now, i didn't at the time. 3. I am currently working on another set of puzzles for just you and a friend, in which every puzzle will need the both of you...meaning that headjumping won't work, it'll leave your partner stranded, and you without a pal for the next one. And woot they just reached around 150 DL's
I got through the easy one. Medium had me thinking. I am completely stuck at the beginning of Hard. But then again, I barely had a chance to play it. I enjoyed these. Interlocking or not. They were fun and just right. Thank you for these. P.S. : Some of my friends happened to join in while I was working on Medium. They enjoyed them as well.